PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER [Starting, Tuesday 1st of October] 2024


Text: Psalm:85:1-13, 51:1-19, Joel 2:21-32.


Glory to God Almighty for His goodness and mercy that endure forever upon us all! Alleluiyah! We sincerely give thanks to God Who has continued to support us on every side and made us victorious over all situations. His name alone be exalted forevermore. Every month and every season, the LORD has been merciful to us in giving us relevant instructions at every point. He sees and understands all our concerns. He knows the future from the beginning. This is reflected in the prophetic instructions we receive from Him every month; the testimonies thereafter bear witness to this.

Last month, He launched us into the realization of His shepherding over us. In the past, present and future, He continues to be our Great and Good Shepherd. God requires us to internalize, walk and pray with this understanding. We need to grow in this knowledge of Him through Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. This was the apostles' prayer (Ephesians 1:15-20, 2Peter 3:18). All that being said, know that our monthly prayers are not limited to the particular month in question but are relevant throughout the year and the future. Once again, Glory to God for all the testimonies! Alleluiyah!

This month, the Almighty God has again, given us His word. He has directed us to pray for "Spiritual Revival". It is a spiritual awakening devoid of sinful interest and self-righteousness. It is breaking up our fallow ground so that God's righteousness will impact our lives for His glory (Hosea 10:12).It is an awakening with renewed, vision, passion and strength to serve God in Spirit and in truth. It is an awakening from spiritual slumbering and snoring to spiritual alertness and steadfastness. It is an awakening from a state of depression that engenders suicidal tendency to a state of aggression against demonic/satanic forces. It is an awakening to hunger and thirst after God's righteousness (Hosea10:12, Matthew 5:6). It is rending our heart and making it available for God to mend and indwell; it is allowing God to break us down and remould us after His will (Joel 2:12-13, Ezekiel 36:26, Indeed, an awakening to value and cherish God's divine presence (with reassurance) over any situation. - Psalm 51:1-19, Romans 13:11, John 4:23-24.

It was the spiritual revival that made Habakkuk confessed: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places..." -Habakkuk 3:17-19. It was this spiritual revival that made David the Psalmist cry out: "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God" -Psalms 84:1-2. In just the next chapter of Psalms, David again re-echoed his intense desire for spiritual revival when he said: "Wilt thou not REVIVE US AGAIN: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"-Psalms 85:6. In fact, Psalm 51 picturizes a penitent soul yearning for spiritual revival. This is what God requires of us, in times like this.

Note: Every spiritual revival is infectious; it affects every other areas of our lives, namely, personal life, marriage, career, business/work, family, etc. It is synonymous with Jesus' declaration in Matthew 6:33 [But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you]. Psalm 85:6-13 also emphasizes this. It is also picturized in the valley of dry bones as bringing back to life every good thing that is dead in a person's life (first, spiritual, then others) -Ezekiel 37:1-14. Every physical manifestation has spiritual preparation. Nothing really happened in the physical without first, being established in the spirit -realm. As it is in God's spiritual realm, so it is in the satanic realm. So, every form of revival starts in the spirit-realm. 

Whenever and wherever there's spiritual revival, the following will be evident:

1. Penitence & repentance. -Psalms 51:1-11.

2. There will be salvation, restoration and deliverance. - Psalm 51:7-14.

3. Willingness to accept correction and discipline.

4. Willingness to serve and worship God in spirit and in truth. -John 4:23-24

5. Willingness to work for God 

without being forced or  coerced.

6. Joy in the Holy Ghost, irrespective of what you might be passing through. -Psalms 85:6.

7. You will find it easy to hear and obey the voice of God. -Psalms 85:8.

8. Hunger and thirst after God's righteousness; willingness to be guided by His righteousness. -Psalms 85:10-11, 13.

9. The spiritual revival impacts supernatural increase and abundance upon our labour (that is, the work of our hands). -psalms 85:11-12.

10. Faith in the unfailing ability of God and His promises in every situation. -Romans 8:28, 

Habakkuk 3:17-19, 2Corinth 1:20.

11. The people's hearts pant and long for God's presence in worship. They are not forced to come to church. Their love and affection for God become very strong continually. -Psalms 84:1-12.

12. Children of God have the willingness to wait upon God to renew their strength. -Psalms 84:5-7, 11, Isaiah 40:29-31.

13. Where there have been famine and austerity, there will be abundance and fruitfulness. -Joel 2:16-26.

14. Where there has been spiritual dryness and frustration, there will be spiritual fruitfulness and flourishing. -Nehemiah 8:10-11.

15. God's presence will be evident in every department of the church and every area of our lives. -Joel 2:27-32.

16. There will be unity of purpose and the Holy Spirit will have His way in the church. Nehemiah 4:1-6, 7-17, Acts 2:1-4.

As we wait upon God and pray ceaselessly this month, His Holy Spirit shall impact on us the spirit of true revival with supernatural turnaround for His glory, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Give thanks to our Good Shepherd for His divine protection, provision, guidance and security.

2. Exalt His holy name for who He is. - Jeremiah 32:27, 17.

3. Glorify Him, sing praises to Him for always making us triumph over every situation. -2Corinthians 2:14, Romans 8:37.

4. Thank Him for upholding us in the faith, despite all the challenges facing this country.  -Romans 8:37.

5. Pray for forgiveness of any form of sin that can hinder your prayers before God. -Psalms 66:18, Hosea 7:1.

6. Pray that His mercy will speak for you throughout this month and this year. -Romans 9:15-16.

7. Revive me O LORD, by Your Spirit, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:6.

8. Every seed of lukewarmness in me, be rooted out in Jesus' Name. -Matthew 15:13.

9. My spirit, soul and body,  awake from slumber, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 13:11, 

10. Heavenly Father, grant me all-round mercy in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:6-7.

11. Every fallow ground and every barrier to my spiritual revival, be broken in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 10:12.

12. Holy Spirit, revive my spirit-ear to hear the voice of God when He speaks, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Joel 2:28-29.

13. Holy Spirit, revive my heart to receive instruction from God, when He guides me, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Joel 2:28-29.

14. Holy Spirit, open my spirit -eye to see when God reveals, in Jesus' Name. -2Kings 6:15-17.

15. Heavenly Father, where there has been trouble, speak peace; where there has been storm, speak calmness, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Mark 4:37-39, John 14:27.

16. Every wickedness plowed into my life through the error committed by me or my parents, be wiped off, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Hosea 10:13  [Pray same for your children].

17. Almighty God, let Your righteousness look down from heaven and bless the work of my hands, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:11-12.

18. Holy Spirit of God, set me in the paths/steps of God's will to do things right, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:13  

19. I shall not go astray, no member of my family shall go astray, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:13.

20. Heavenly Father, anyone that is already going astray in my family, redirect them back to Your will, in Jesus' Name.  --Psalms 23:3-4, 85:13. 

21. Fire of revival, break forth in every department of the church, in Jesus' Name. -Acts 2:1-4, 38-47, Nehemiah 4:1-6.

22. Fire of revival, break forth in every home in this church, in Jesus' Name. -Acts 2:1-4, 38-47, Nehemiah 4:1-6.

23. Holy Spirit of God, restore every backslider (at heart), in my family, Jesus' Name. 

24. Heavenly Father, deliver me from the bondage of sin, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 6:14.

25. Spiritual Revival for effective evangelism, come  upon me in Jesus' Name. 

26. Spiritual Revival for effective prayer-life, come  upon me in Jesus' Name

27. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My spiritual life is revived, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2.

28. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My entire family/marriage is revived, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2.

29. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My business is revived from losses to profitability, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2, Isaiah 48:17.

30. Heavenly Father, let Your rain of righteousness come upon my life for bountiful harvest, in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 10:12.

31. Almighty Father, every blessing I have lost, restore back to me in folds, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, Joel 2:25

32. Every spiritual strength/gift I have lost, be restored  back to me, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:25. 

33. Every spiritual gift that is dying in me, receive strength and be revived, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

34. Every good seed I have sown, yield with strength unto me in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:22. 

35. Give thanks to God for answered prayers. -Isaiah 65:24.

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER (Starting, Sunday, 1st of September) 2024


Text: Psalm 23:1-6


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! We have come a long way this year and God has been there for us every every step of the way. His divine guidance, protection and security have been our confidence. His enduring love and mercy cannot be overemphasized. For the victories, testimonies and ever present help, we return all the glory to Him. May His name alone be glorified forever more (Amen).

Last month, the LORD directed that we should pray and arise unto NEW GLORY, Jesus Christ, being the hope of New Glory (Isaiah 60:1-22, Colossians 1:27). It was a prophetic declaration about what God has prepared for His children, those that diligently seek Him. Permit me to stress here that every monthly theme God has ever given us is a progressive and evergreen covenant. It is the mind of God for us every month, which is not limited to the particular month in question. Rather, it is "rolled over" to subsequent months and spans through the whole year. By implication, we should continue to walk in the consciousness, practicality and cumulative testimonies of the monthly prayer themes.

This month, the LORD has given us yet another dimension of Himself with which He wants to relate with us. He has directed us to pray on the theme: THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD (Psalm 23:1-6). The word “shepherd” in Hebrew is "Ra'ah". This describes one who tends, leads, feeds, and protects his flock of sheep. God is the Jehovah-Rohi, Jehovah Roeh or Jehovah Raah. That is, our shepherd who offers us comfort, security, and unlimited provision. God has vested all this in Jesus Christ who has become the Good Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. - John 10:9-16, 1Peter 2:25, 5:4.The Almighty God, the God of this commission, has charged us to walk by this knowledge and step into the reality of this revelation and all His promises.

For you to get the best of the "Good Shepherd", you have to: 

i) Recognize Him as the only One that has the final say in your life. He laid down His life for us on the cross, shed His blood to redeem us and granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness - 2Peter1:3, Revelation 3:7.

ii) Walk with Him in faith and obedience, allow Him to fight your battles and direct the affairs of your life. -Hebrews 11:1-2, 6, Psalm 125:1-5.

iii) Stand upon His unfailing promises and pray to God in faith, in the exalted name of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11, 2 Corinthians 1:20, 2Peter1:3).

iv) Abide in Him always and trust His unfailing ability  -John 15:1-8, Psalm 91:1-16.

v) Learn to give glory to Him in all situations, knowing fully well that there is nothing too hard for Him to do - Isaiah 42:8-13, Jeremiah 32:17, 27.

Having done all this, understand that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" -Romans 8:28.

As we pray together in unity of faith this month, the Good Shepherd shall visit us in His magnanimity. He will grant us access to all His Shepherd's provision". His miraculous intervention shall answer for us in every area of our lives, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Welcome to the new month - a September to Remember for good. With Jesus Christ, our Victory is Sure!


Prophetic Prayer Points 

1. Give thanks to God for all-round victory, in every area of your life. -2Corinthians 2:14.

2. Glorify God for fighting your battles - known and unknown, seen and unseen.

3. Thank the Almighty Jehovah for divine help, provision, protection and security. -Psalms 46, 121.

4. Sing praises to the Rock of our salvation for His promises that are "ye" and "Amen". Psalm 95:1-3, 2Corinthians 1:20, 1Corinthians 2:9.

5. Pray for pardon for all forms of sin and plead God's mercy over your life and family. -Psalms 51:1-12.

6. Pray for faith impartation by the Holy Ghost, to receive your needed miracles. -Hebrews 11:1-2, 6; Luke 8:43-48, 17:13-19.

7. Pray for grace to launch into your testimonies this month, and throughout this year. -Jeremiah 33:3.

8. Jesus Christ the Good and Great Shepherd, feed me with the good things of life and spirit this month (and this year) in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1-2, 2Peter 1:3.

9. Almighty Jehovah-Rohi, grant me abundance of all-round provision this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. 

10. Almighty Jehovah Raah, launch me in green pastures for fruitfulness and abundance, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:2.

11. Almighty Father, lead me in the paths of peace, and blessings without sorrow, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:2, Proverbs 10:22.

12. My Great Shepherd and Provider, grant me unstoppable provision that testifies to Your glory in my life, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, Revelation 3:7-8.

13. Great Shepherd and Bishop of my soul, restore my spiritual strength and revive me by Your Spirit, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, 51:10-12.

14. My Father and my Shepherd, fill my hunger and thirst in Your righteousness, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, Matthew 5:6.

15. Wherever I have lost blessings, breakthroughs and opportunities in the past, I recover them back, by divine speed in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 23:3, Isaiah 9:7.

16. The LORD is my Shepherd: my cup shall run over with divine supply this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1-2, 5.

17. The LORD is my Shepherd: 

I shall not lack any good thing in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1,  34:10.

18. The LORD is my Shepherd: I shall not miss out of God's promises this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, 1Corinthians 2:9.

19. The LORD is my Shepherd:

No evil shall befall me; no evil shall befall my entire family, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:4, 91:10.

20. The LORD is my Shepherd, my Refuge and Fortress: I am delivered from every snare, pestilence, arrows, terror or destruction, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:4, 91:1-6.

21. The LORD is my Shepherd: wherever I have been troubled  and wounded, I receive healing and comfort, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 23:4, Isaiah 40:1-9, Jeremiah 33:6.

22. Whatever is of the devil in my life and family, be consumed by fire! In Jesus' Name. -Matthew 15:13, Psalm 97:1-5.

23. Whatever contends against the glory of God in my life, come out by fire! In Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 42:8-13, Hebrews 12:29.

24. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive the table of abundance, that the enemy cannot contend, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:5, Revelation 3:7.

25. The LORD is my Shepherd: I enter into an open door of breakthrough, victory and abundance, in Jesus' Name -John 10:9, Revelation 3:7-8.

26. I receive the anointing for victory, fruitfulness and abundance from my Shepherd, in Jesus' Mighty Name. -Psalms 23:5.

27. The LORD is my Shepherd: His goodness and mercy shall follow me everywhere, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:6.

28. The LORD is my Shepherd:  I shall never be separated from Him, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:6.

29. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive the grace to abide in Him always, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:6, John 15:1-7. 

30. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive His ministering angels into my life, family and business, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 91:11-12, 34:7.

31. The LORD is my Shepherd: my entire family is covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ for divine protection and security, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:1.

32. The LORD is my Shepherd: I am delivered from seen and unseen dangers, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 91:14-15.

33. The LORD is my Shepherd:  I receive the grace for sound health and long life, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 91:16, Isaiah 65:20-24.

34. The LORD is my Shepherd: I shall not lack any good thing, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:1.

35. The LORD is my Shepherd: He shall continue to guide and defend me; I shall not be put to shame, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, Joel 2:26-27.

37. Give glory and honour to the God for answered prayers. -Psalms 91:15, Isaiah 65:24.

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (Starting, Thursday 1st of August 2024)


Text: Colossians 1:27, Isaiah 60:1-22, Isaiah 43:18-26.


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

All glory to God Almighty for His goodness and mercy that endure unceasingly in our lives and situations. His name alone be exalted forever in Jesus' Name (Amen). Again, all thanks, honour and adoration to Him Who is our Pillar, Healer, Deliverer,  Sustainer, Giver of all that pertain to life and godliness (Psalm 103:1-5). He alone deserves our heartfelt and consecrated worship in every situation. As children of God, we know that all things work together for good to them that love the LORD... Romans 8:28. So shall every situation continue to translate into testimonies, in our lives in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Last month, our heavenly Father charged us to enter into His covenant of all-sufficiency through His Mighty Name: El SHADDAI. Suffice to say is the fact that, through our obedience to that charge, God laid a foundation of unceasing supply of all that will bring glory to Him in our lives, now and in the future. This month, He has directed us to pray and work on the theme: NEW GLORY! Indeed, Jesus Christ is Our Hope Of NEW GLORY (Colossians 1:27). He is the key, the door, and the ladder to new glory. -John 1:14, 2:11, 10:9, 17:5, 22.

By virtue of our inheritance in Christ, our Hope of new glory, we have the fulfilment of God's promise of restoration to the original glory and dominion invested in us at creation. It is the restoration of His righteousness as dominion over sin; restoration of His power and authority to dominate sicknesses, bondages, affliction, oppression and every device of the enemy. This hope is not a wishful thought, but the confidence, expectation and joyful knowledge that we are being changed by God from glory to glory as we walk with Him in faith, obedience and consecration, worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth. What a glory! -2 Corinth.3:18, John 4:22-24.

Of a truth, God has always been faithful to His word, in different testimonies as we have witnessed. Yet by virtue of this covenant, He is taking us into another realm of glory, far more exceeding than our past testimonies. That is the New Glory! Let me quickly add this: as always with every monthly prayer released to us from the throne of grace, the fruits of this prayer are not limited to this month alone. It shall span through the whole year and even into the future, as we faithfully walk with Him in obedience and consecration. In the scriptural passage, Isaiah 60:1-22, the re-echoing of the future tense "shall" throughout the scripture is an indication of progressive testimonies every month, going forward. It is symbolic of the fact that  every month shall be marked with new blessings, new miracles, new wave of divine intervention, new connection for greatness, new heights in the ladder of success and breakthrough, and...what have you?

2 Corinthians 5:17  says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". Surely new testimonies shall characterize every month for us. His grace shall be the platform for this dispensation of new glory and His Holy Spirit shall be our strength. -Zechariah 4:6-10.

If we are ready to pray, then our God is ready to answer. He chided the children of Israel for their failure to pray earnestly in appropriating God's promises for their lives. -Isaiah 43:19-22, Jeremiah 33:3. My earnest desire and prayer is that, as we come together in unity of faith to approach the throne of grace this month, our prayer shall attract heaven's attention and God shall visit us with the wave of new glory in Jesus' Name.

Remember, With Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure! 


Prophetic Prayer Points 

1. Give thanks to God for His goodness and His enduring mercy over our lives and family. - Psalm 136.

2. Give glory to God for loading us with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly benefits. -Psalms 68:9, 19, 65:9-13.

3. Appreciate God and worship Him for Who He is, for His promises that are "’ye' and "Amen" -Jeremiah 32:17, 27, 2 Corinthians 1:20.

4. Give thanks to God again for all the great and wonderful things He has in stock for us this month, this year and years ahead. -1 Corinthians 2:9-10. 

5. Ask for forgiveness of known and unknown sins. Proverbs 28:13, Psalms 66:18.

6. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you throughout this month and this year. -Romans 9:14-16.

7. I receive the spirit of living Faith, that will propel me into new glory, in Jesus' Name. - John 11:40.

8. Lord Jesus: I recognize You and confess You as my only hope of new glory.  Take Your place in my life, in Jesus' Name.

9. Holy Spirit, help my faith to receive all that the LORD has provided for me this month, in Jesus' Name.  -1Corinthians 2:9, Mark 9:23-24, Hebrews 11:1-2, 6.

10. Jesus Christ is my Hope of New Glory; I renounce and reject all that is contrary, in Jesus' Name.  -Colossians 1:27.

11. Whatever is not of God, come out of my life, out of my family, out of my business, in Jesus' Name.  -Matt.15:13.

12. Every reproach in my life, be erased by the Blood of Jesus and be translated into glory, in Jesus' Name.  -Joshua 5:9.

13. Where I have been hopeless, Holy Ghost rekindle my hope and faith to receive my needed miracles, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 61:3.

14. Every glory that is dying in my life, receive strength and come alive, in Jesus' Name.  - Isaiah 40:29-31, 60:1-2.

15. Whatever the enemy has planted in my destiny to hinder my glory, be uprooted and consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name.  -Matthew 13:25, 15:13, Hebrews 12:29.

16. New Glory, spring up in my life, spring up in my family, spring up in my business, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-3. 

17. Whatever is standing to hinder my New Glory, give way in Jesus' Name.  -Zechariah 4:5-7.

18. Every power that contends against the glory of God in the church, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Mighty Name. 

19. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my life, in my future, die by fire in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

20. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my marriage and my family, be consumed by fire, in mighty name of Jesus Christ.

21. Heavenly Father, grace to arise and shine in evangelism and follow up, release upon the church, in Jesus' Name.

22. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my business/work, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name.

23. Every power waiting at the point of breakthrough to destroy me or my new glory, die by fire, in Jesus' Name.

24. Every power that has gone ahead to destroy the future glory of the church, die by fire: the glory of the church is restored in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 97:1-3, Joel 2:25-30.

25. VictoryLand Apostolic Chapel (from the headquarters to the branches), it is time to arise: Arise and Shine in supernatural growth and expansion, in Jesus' Name.

26. Spirit of prayer, Spirit of revival, come upon the youths, come upon the adults and the children in the church, in Jesus' Mighty Name.

27. Spirit of evangelism, Spirit of follow up, Spirit of signs and wonders [for the church to Arise and Shine], come upon the church in Jesus' Name.

28. Every power [spirits of negligence, laziness and prayerlessness] that wants to keep me down from arising and shinning, catch fire and be consumed, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

29. Doors of New Glory, Doors of New Breakthroughs, Doors of New Testimonies, open unto me in Jesus' Mighty Name. -Revelation 3:7-8, Matthew 7:7-11.

30. Every power that wants to shut the doors to my new glory, Holy Ghost Fire clear them out of the way, in Jesus' Name.

31. Strength/Power to arise and shine into new glory, come upon me in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. - Isaiah 40:29-31.

32. Wall of Fire from God, surround my life, my family, my business in new glory, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 125:1-2, 34:7, Job 1:8-10.

33. Fire of God, contend with every devourer of glory in my life, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 97:1-3

34. Garment of New Glory, come upon my life, my family  and my business, in Jesus' Name. 

35. No power can keep me down: I arise and shine in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:1-3, Philippians 4:13.

36. Every satanic agents contracted against my life and future to hinder my new glory, be consumed by fire in Jesus' Name.

37 Every enemy disguised (as friend) to hinder my new glory, fire of God separate us in Jesus' Name.

38. I receive grace for New Glory: new levels of breakthrough, new levels of blessing, new levels of achievement, in Jesus' mighty Name.  -Ephesians 2:8, 1 Corinthians 15:10.

39. I receive power to arise and shine in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name.  - Isaiah 60:1-3, 40:29-31.

40. New testimonies, new levels of glory that will compel unbelievers to come to Christ, I receive in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-3.

41. Every good thing I have started little, I receive strength (unction) to finish it in greatness, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-2, 22, Luke 12:32.

42. Blessings of the New Glory, I shall not miss any of you in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:5-22. 

43. I detach my mindset from every disappointment of the past; I launch into the realm of new testimonies, new glory, in Jesus' Name.  --Zechariah 4:5-7, Isaiah 43:18-22.

44. VictoryLand, Arise and Shine! -For salvation of souls, for supernatural growth and expansion, in Jesus' Name.  -Luke 12:32, Job 8:7. 

45. Testimonies of New Glory, show forth in all VictoryLand Churches, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 60:1-3.

46. Worship God. Praise Him. Give thanks to Him for answered prayers.  -Isaiah 65:24.

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure! -Romans 8:37.

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF JULY (Starting, Monday 1st of July 2024).


Text: Genesis 17:1-8, 2Corinthians 3:5, Philippians 4:13, 19, Ephesians 3:20.

Now thanks be to God Who always makes us triumph over all situations. Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! -2Corinthians 2:14.

I welcome you in the exalted name of the LORD to this new month, the seventh month of the year. It is a month symbolic of perfection. The Almighty shall perfect all that concern us, and by His grace, His goodness and mercy shall not depart from us in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Last month, the LORD gave us the Rain of Mercy, the release of which continues to be evident in our midst; we validate this through various testimonies witnessed in every area of our lives. Although there were challenges; these trials of faith did not scare us away from God's presence but rather, drew us nearer to Him in a better and stronger relationship. Glory to God in the highest! Alleluiyah! May His name alone be exalted in Jesus' Name. Amen. From the time of old till now, God has always revealed Himself  to His children in different ways. He is the Elohim meaning “Creator of heaven and Earth”. He is the Yahweh (The Lord), El Roi (God Who Sees), Yahweh Yireh (That is, Jehovah Jireh meaning, the Lord Will Provide or Great Provider), Yahweh Nissi (The Lord Is My Banner). El Elyon is God Most High, above all gods; nothing in life is more sacred to be worshipped except Him alone. He is the highest, unshakable mountain (Psalm 91:1, Numb.24:16).

This month, God is revealing Himself to us experientially, as the El SHADDAI. The El Shaddai is the God Almighty, our sustainer and All Sufficient One who can meet all our needs. He is the only One that is more than enough for us in all areas in of our lives, namely, spiritually, medically, materially, academically, maritally, emotionally, physically, and so on. He is the Almighty, the ALL in all and our utmost refuge (Genesis 17:1-8, Psalm 91:1). 

The name El SHADDAI portrays God's might and power, His strength, sustenance and provision. It is often used in the Scriptures to emphasize God's ability to fulfill His promises and to provide for His people in a powerful and nurturing manner. He revealed Himself in this manner to Abraham, as the God of perfection, exceeding multiplication, exceeding fruitfulness and everlasting possession/covenant (Genesis 17:1-8).

But note the condition the El Shaddai gave Abraham, walk before me, and be thou perfect. -Genesis 17:1. In other words, He addressed Abraham thus: "increase your commitment and consecration to Me" so as to unlock what I have for you. By implication, God is saying the same thing to us even now. There abundant provision / supply in His store-house for us, but we need the key of consecration to fully unlock it.

As we pray together in the unity of faith this month, this aspect of God shall be revealed and evident in every area of our lives, the El SHADDAI Himself shall step into our situation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Remember, with Jesus by our side, Victory is Sure!



1. Begin to worship God in the best language you understand -Psalms 19:1-3.

2. Thank God for Who He is, for His goodness and mercy that endureth forever. -Jeremiah 32:17, 27, Psalm 136.

3. Thank God for fighting your battles -seen and unseen, known and unknown. -Psalm 34:19, 124:1-8. 

4. Give God all the glory for all He has been doing and what He will yet do. -Isaiah 42:8-16.

5. Pray for forgiveness of sins, known and unknown. -Psalm 66:18, Hosea 7:1.

6. Plead His mercy to speak for you throughout this month, in every area of your life. - Psalm 40:11, Romans 9:15-16.

7. Holy Spirit of God, impart on me the spirit of true consecration, so as to be a partaker of God's divine provision, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-2.

8. El SHADDAI, the All Sufficient and Almighty God, step into the situation of this nation for a supernatural turnaround, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 122:6-9.

9. El Shaddai, the God of exceeding multiplication and fruitfulness, reign over this nation and multiply our joy, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-8, Isaiah 9:3.

10. El Shaddai, the Almighty: Fight every awaiting battle and reign over every situation of my life, in Jesus' Name.

11. El Shaddai, Sustainer and All Sufficient One: grant me sufficiency in all good things, spiritually, physically and materially, in Jesus' Name.

12. El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-sufficient One: empower me to succeed exceedingly beyond my human capacity, in Jesus' Name.  -Ephesians 3:20-21.

13. El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-sufficient One: provide exceedingly for me beyond my human capacity, in Jesus' Name.   -Ephesians 3:20-21, Philip.4:13, 19.

14. El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-sufficient One: that which is against Thy glory shall not be my portion in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 42:8, 43:7, Ephesians 3:29.

15. El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-sufficient God, I reject sorrow, troubles, losses, sicknesses and all that the devil has to offer, in Jesus' Name. 

16. Whatever is not of God, come out of my life, out of my family, out of my marriage, out of my business, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

17. Every power, waiting to double-cross me on the path to breakthrough, catch fire and be consumed, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 97:3-6.

18. El Shaddai, the God of Perfection: rebrand my name for all-round breakthrough and all-sufficiency, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-6.

19. El Shaddai, the God of Perfection: I refuse to associate with failure and disgrace, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26-27.

20. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: I shall not lack any good thing this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-7, Psalms 23:1-6.

21. El Shaddai, the God of Perfection: perfect everything I lay my hands upon to do this month, and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-2, Psalm 138:8.

22. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient and Almighty God: take over the affairs of Your church, in Jesus' Name.

23. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: take over the affairs of my life, the affairs of my family, the affairs of business/career, in Jesus' Name.

24. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient and Almighty God: from my small beginning (in career, business, marriage/family), make me great, in Jesus' Name. -Job 8:7.

25. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: wherever I have failed, I recover with exceeding breakthrough, in Jesus' Name.

26. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: wherever I have experienced losses, I recover with exceeding profits/gains, in Jesus' Name.

27. El Shaddai, the God of exceeding multiplication: the breakthrough my little strength cannot achieve, the victory my little strength cannot achieve, grant me the strength/grace to achieve it exceedingly, in Jesus' Name.

28. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: change my name, my identity, after Your glory and after Your righteousness, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-6.

29. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: I shall never be barren spiritually; many shall come to Jesus through me & be saved, in Jesus' Name. -John 15:1-8, 16, Galatians 5:22-26.

30. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient God: I shall never be barren in marriage, I shall never be barren in business/career in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 17:1-6.

31. Covenant of exceeding multiplication, exceeding victory, exceeding breakthrough, speak into my life, speak into my career, speak into my future, in the name of Jesus Christ.

32. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient and Almighty God: spiritual robbers shall not have access to my life and family in Jesus' Name. -John 10:8-10.

33. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient and Almighty God: robbers shall not have access to my breakthrough, my joy, my belongings, my blessings and my destiny, in Jesus'  Name. -John 10:8-10.

34. El Shaddai, the All-sufficient and Almighty God: surround my life with Your wall of fire; no weapon of robbery formed against my life & blessings shall prosper, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 54:15-17.

35. El Shaddai, the Almighty  God: I am a victor, I shall never be a victim, in Jesus' Name [Pray same for your family]. -Psalms 91:1-16, 124:1-8.

36. El Shaddai, the Almighty God, lead me in all my journey this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 23:1-6.

37 El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-sufficient God: grant answers to my prayers, beyond human limitations, in Jesus' Name.  -Ephesians 3:20-21.

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE (Starting, Saturday 1st of June) 2024.


Text: Romans 9:15-16, Hosea 10:12, Isaiah 55:10-13, Exodus 16:4-5, Genesis 6:1-8, 7:1-24, 8:1, Deuteronomy 28:1-12,13.


Life is full of challenges but we have a sure word of prophecy that guarantees our victory in all situations. Alleluiyah! -Romans 8:35-37, 1John 4:4, Psalm 34:19. This victory is a product of God's infinite mercy and grace.

It is of the Lord's mercy that we were not consumed in the challenges of life. His compassions never fail; they are new every morning. (Lam.3:22-25). Thanks to God Almighty who has been fighting our battles in every area of our lives with resounding victories, always. Alleluiyah! -2Corinthians 2:14.

The Almighty Jehovah, the Man of War, has indeed been fighting our battles. Last month, He directed us to pray that our enemies [His enemies] be scattered. We believe strongly (and testimonies affirm it) that our God has been making this a reality in every area of our lives. He alone be praised forevermore. -Exodus 15:3-8.

This new month, the LORD has promised us "Rain of Mercy". Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! God's Rain of Mercy is the Rain of His Righteousness; He has said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" -Romans 9:15-16. This declaration from God can never fail. He is not a man that He should lie; His words are settled in heaven and can not return void but to fulfill His glorious will in our lives.       -Isaiah 55:10-13.

It was this rain that gave the children of Israel abundance of provision at a time they were in dire need of food in the wilderness. It also gave them water at different times (Exodus 16:4-5, Exodus 15:23-25, 17:1–7, Numbers 20:1–14). It was the rain that Hosea, by the Spirit of God,  called "Rain of Righteousness" (Hosea 10:12). It was the Rain of Mercy that Serah, Hannah, Jabez, Obed Edom, Jacob and others experienced in their dispensation, that turned around their situation for good. It was this same rain that favoured Noah even when the entire world was being ravaged by the flood occasioned by the same rain. When this rain comes, it will grace [or favour] the efforts of God's children with abundance of blessings but destroy every manipulative effort of the enemy formed against us. -Genesis 6:1-8, 7:1-24, 8:1. Surely, this Rain of Mercy is of God and from God alone. 

It is a rain of divine help upon all our efforts, a rain of blessings.  -Psalms 121:1-2, Proverbs 10:22. It translates your efforts into "green pastures" of evergreen fruitfulness and surrounds you with His "still waters" of peace. -Psalms 23:1-2. The Rain of Mercy is an anointing that the enemy cannot contend with. It brings healing, restoration and surround you with the good things of life and the spirit. It positions you in the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit for divine direction and supernatural encounter that bring forth glorious testimonies, Joel 2:23-29.

However, as we pray, we also have to eschew sin and be obedient. This is because prayer gives us access to the throne of grace but obedience  and consecration unlock the treasures/riches of this grace. - Psalm 66:18, 24:3-5, Deuteronomy 28:1-12, Isaiah 1:19, Genesis 6:1-8. As you dwell in His presence this month, your labour shall be rewarded and He shall teach you to profit greatly in all ramifications. His Rain of Mercy shall shower abundantly on all your godly pursuits and windows of heaven shall open for your abundance, in Jesus' Name (Amen).  -Psalms 23:3, 5-6, Malachi 3:10-12, Hosea 10:12.

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure.



1. Give glory to God and appreciate Him for all His goodness and mercy over your life and family. -Psalms 103:1-5.

2. Give Him thanks for all your expectations that shall soon be a glorious testimony. -Romans 8:28.

3. Ask for forgiveness of all sins -known and unknown.

4. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you in everything you lay your hands upon this month and this year. -Romans 9:15-16, Psalm 23:5-6.

5. Holy Spirit of God, impart on me the spirit of obedience to profit from the Rain of Mercy, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 1:19.

6. Rain of Mercy, saturate  everything I lay my hands upon this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. 

7. Let my heaven be open for abundance of rain on all my efforts (this month and this year) in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:12, Malachi 3:10-12.

8. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD restore to me in folds, all the treasures I have lost, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:18-25.

9. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD grant me the grace to eat in plenty and be satisfied, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26.

10. Rain of Mercy from the LORD, increase me on every side, and promote me beyond human limitation, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 75:6, 1Samuel 2:7-8.

11. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive all the necessary provision for good and meaningful life, in Jesus' Name. - Deuteronomy 28:12,  Psalms 23:1-6, Philippians 4:19.

12. By Your Rain of Mercy, restore all that devourers have eaten up in my life, in Jesus' Name. Joel 2:23-25.

13. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive grace and strength for expansion, in Jesus' Name. -1Chronicles 4:9-10.

14. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive grace and strength for breakthrough in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

15. By Your Rain of Mercy, I shall never be put to shame, but shall joy in abundance of testimonies, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26.

16. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive divine directions for all-round breakthrough, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:23-29.

17. By the Rain of Mercy,  every good prophecy that have lingered in my life, come alive to fulfilment, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 55:10-13.

18. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD terminate every suffering that has mingled with my blessings, in Jesus' Name. -Proverbs 10:22, Deuteronomy 28:12.

19. LORD, by Your Rain of Mercy, all things shall work together for my good, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 8:37.

20. By the Rain of Mercy from God, I shall never be poor nor barren, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 1:20-28.

21. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren spiritually, in by Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:23-28, John 15:1-8, 16-17.

22. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren in marriage, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 23:25-26.

23. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren in business and at work, in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:8-12.

24. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall be fruitful in all areas of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:1-12.

25. My Father and my God, let Thy goodness, mercy and blessings follow me every step of the way, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:5-6, 68:9-10.

26. Give thanks to God for answered prayers. Sing praises to Him and exalt His holiness. -Psalms 30:1-4, Isaiah 65:24 

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. (Starting, Wednesday 1st of May) 2024


Text: Psalm 68:1-15, Exodus 14:13-31, Isaiah 46:1-10, Isaiah 54:13-17, Philip.2:9-11, 2Corinth.10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-17.

It's now the fifth month of the year, and to God be the glory for what He has been doing in all areas of our lives. Despite all that has been happening: the hardship experienced in every facet of the country's economy which both the leadership and the followership are grappling with, the insecurity everywhere, rapid erosion of moral values and lack of consecration to true godliness (even in the house of God), yet the LORD has been gracious to us as individuals, as a church and as a nation. Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

Last month, Almighty God declared that we shall "Weep No More". While there's no denying the fact that there were challenges, yet God gave us resounding victory and filled our mouths with laughter, our hearts with joy (Amen). This month, the LORD has promised to fight for us. Our theme for this month Prophetic Prayer is LET GOD ARISE, LET HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED -Psalms 68:1. The enemies of God are the spirit-enemies of His children [for we war not against flesh and blood -Corinth.10:3-6]. These enemies, like the prince of Persia war against the breakthroughs and blessings of God's children [Daniel 10:1-13]. They want to call God "a liar" and manipulate His children to stray away into unbelief and idolatry. Also, Satan (our arch enemy) lures Christians into sin so as to hinder their prayers from being answered (Isaiah 59:1-2, Psalm 66:18).

Whatever might have opened the door for the enemy in your life, be it sin, disobedience, curses or evil covenant, such doors shall be shut permanently; God shall arise and fight your battle, and   great victory shall be yours, in Jesus' name. He did it for the children of Israel and fought their enemies (the Egyptians, the Amalekites and the Philistines) at different times. He shall do even more for us. He shall deal with every enemy of our soul (seen and unseen, known and unknown) and grant us wonderful testimonies, in Jesus' Name.

Welcome to the month of May. May the light of God shine on your paths and pave way for victory and testimonies in every area of your life, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Give thanks to God for His goodness and mercy that endure forever.-Psalm 107:1-2

2. Glorify God for your salvation and redemption. -Psalm 107:1-2.

3. Thank Him for deliverance from every conspiracy and destruction fashioned against your life. .-Psalm 107:1-2, 

4. Give glory to God for always enabling you to triumph over every plot of the enemy. -2Corinthians 2:14.

5. Gracious Father: Grant me the grace and strength to pray through this month, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 33:17, Isaiah 40:29-31.

6. Merciful Father: Let Your mercy speak for me in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 9:15-16.

7. Every burden the enemy places on my life, catch fire and be consumed, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 46:1-4, Hebrews 12:29.

8. Arise O LORD: Deliver me from every burden of the enemy, every day of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 46:1-4.

9. Arise O LORD: Frustrate and disannul every device [plan] of the wicked fashioned against my life (and family), in Jesus' Name. -Job 5:12

10. Arise O LORD: Fight every spiritual wickedness on my path - Now and in Future, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 35:1-10.

11. Arise O LORD: Let the enemies of my life be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

12. Let God arise, let the enemies of my health and peace be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

13. Let God arise, let the enemies of my finances be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

14. Let God arise, let the enemies of my marriage be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

15. Let God arise, let the enemies of my glory and future be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

16. Let God arise, let the enemies of my joy and testimonies be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

17. Let God arise, let the enemies of my business be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

18. Let God arise, let the enemies of peace in our nation scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

19. Let God arise, let the enemies of peace in the church of God be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

20. Let God arise, let unknown and unseen enemies of my life be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

21.Arise O LORD: Let the enemies of the gospel in this nation be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

22. Arise O LORD: deliver this nation from the chains of wicked men, Jesus' name. Psalms 68:6 .

23. Arise O LORD: deliver me from the chains of wickedness in Jesus' name. Psalms 68:6 .

24. I am established and fortified in God, against every attack of the enemy, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 54:14, Psalm 18:10.

25. Wall of fire from God, secure my entire family from every form of oppression, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 54:14.

26. Arise O LORD, let every enemy gathered against my glory be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Isaiah 54:15.

27. No weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper, in Jesus name. -Isaiah 54:17.

28. No weapon formed against my marriage and my business shall prosper, in Jesus name. -Isaiah 54:17.

29. Every evil tongue raised against my destiny, catch fire and be consumed, on Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 54:17.

30. Every evil tongue fighting against my breakthrough, die by fire, in Jesus name.-Isaiah 54:17.

31. Almighty Father, re-arrange my life to confuse the enemy of my soul, in Jesus' Name.- Psalm 23:5-6.


PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL (Starting, Monday 1st of April) 2024.


Text: Isaiah 30:19, Luke 7:12-17.
Mark 9:17-27, Psalm 30:5-12. 


"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. -2 Corinthians 2:14. Glory be to God for His enduring goodness and mercy, for the victory we have in Christ through His death and resurrection. Hallelujah!  Indeed, God has been gracious to us since the beginning of this year -every step of the way. The testimonies have been mind-blowing! He has calmed the storms of the enemy for us as we continually march into victory. His name alone be glorified forevermore. Amen.

This month, the LORD has given His word again by declaring to us: Weep No More! There are situations that make people weep in life; Situations you have laboured to sort out and you have exhausted all options, yet with no positive change; situations the devil orchestrated into your life to disgrace you and put you to shame. It could even be that God Himself allows those situations for a purpose --to humble you or bring you to repentance and make you a better person. Whatever it is, the word of the LORD is clear and reassuring:   "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". Psalms 30:5.

Hannah had her weeping turned into joy when she took her case to God in prayer (1Samuel 1:19-20, 2:1). The woman of Zarephath and that of Shunnem rejoiced when they met God through His prophets [1Kings 17:8-24, 2Kings 4:8-37]. The wife of one of the sons of the prophets got her deliverance from financial hardship and she wept no more when she encountered God through Prophet Elisha [2Kings 4:1-7]. Our mother Sarah attested to the fact that her mourning was translated into joy and laughter, when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:1-7). In like manner, at Nain, the only son of a widow died but was raised back to life, with a reassuring word from Jesus Christ "Weep not" (Luke 7:11-15). You may have been sowing in tears with little or no reward [profit or positive result]. You may have been praying with little or no testimonies. In whatever ways you may have been weeping, your joy has come without fail, in Jesus' Name (Psalm 126:1-6). The Psalmist concludes by saying: "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever" -Psalms 30:11-12.

One thing is very pertinent here; all those who had their weeping translated into joy had certain things in common: they were obedient to prophetic instructions, they  believed God for Who He is, they took the step of faith with decisive action in the direction of God's word.

My earnest desire is that, as we pray together this month, all trials shall be turned into triumph, all struggles and challenges into breakthroughs and prosperity; weeping shall be turned into joy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is always Sure!



1. Give thanks to God for the victory we always have in Christ Jesus. 2Corinth.2:14.

2. Glorify God for goodness and mercy that endure forever. Psalm 136:1-26.

3. Appreciate His unfailing grace in every situation: thank Him for His reassurance. -Isaiah 30:19.

4. Ask for forgiveness of all sins (known and unknown) that may permit weeping in your life & family -Jeremiah 14:7, Psalm 66:18. 

5. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you in every area of your life. -Lamentations 3:22-26.

6. Heavenly Father, please be be gracious unto me, hear the voice of my cry and answer me, in Jesus' Name -Isaiah 30:19, Exodus 6:5-7.

7. Every situation causing weeping in my life, receive divine turnaround, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 30:5, Isaiah 30:19.

8. Every source of sorrow in my life: dry up by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

9. Every form of weeping in my life or family, be translated into joy and dancing, in Jesus' Name -Psalm 30:5, 11-12.

10. I refuse to weep in any area of my life, in Jesus' Name. 

11. Arise to my help O LORD and turn my weeping into joy, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 30:8-10.

12. Gracious Father: wherever I have sown in tears, empower me to reap in joy, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 126:5-6.

13. Almighty God, wherever I have been disappointed and forsaken, cause me to be honoured in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:14-16.

14. Every good treasure I have lost, I reclaim with joy, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms126:5-6

15. Every seed of sorrow sown by the enemy in my life: be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 97:3-5.

16. I receive the grace above shame and sorrow; I weep no more in Jesus' name. -Isaiah 30:19, Luke 7:12-17.

17. Violence shall no more be  heard in my land, neither wasting nor destruction within my borders, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 60:18.

18. I shall not mourn again; my days of mourning are ended in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:20.

19. I triumph over every situation, and over every manipulation of the enemy, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 8:37.

20. Every seed I have sown in tears, I reap in joy in multiple folds, in Jesus' name. -Psalm126:5-6.

21. Every suffering and affliction of sorrow in my life, be terminated by the blood of Jesus Christ. -Galatians 6:17, Coloss.2:14-15.

22. Every arrow of affliction, weeping and sorrow fired against me, be quenched by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29, Psalm 97:3.

23. Every agent of affliction and oppression assigned against my life, LORD deliver me from them in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 3:7-9, 6:5-7.

24. I shall not weep over anyone in my family, and they shall not weep over me, in Jesus' Name. -Luke 7:12-17

25. I receive Oil of Gladness over every situation in my life, in Jesus' name. Psalm 45:7.