PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. (Starting, Wednesday 1st of May) 2024


Text: Psalm 68:1-15, Exodus 14:13-31, Isaiah 46:1-10, Isaiah 54:13-17, Philip.2:9-11, 2Corinth.10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-17.

It's now the fifth month of the year, and to God be the glory for what He has been doing in all areas of our lives. Despite all that has been happening: the hardship experienced in every facet of the country's economy which both the leadership and the followership are grappling with, the insecurity everywhere, rapid erosion of moral values and lack of consecration to true godliness (even in the house of God), yet the LORD has been gracious to us as individuals, as a church and as a nation. Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

Last month, Almighty God declared that we shall "Weep No More". While there's no denying the fact that there were challenges, yet God gave us resounding victory and filled our mouths with laughter, our hearts with joy (Amen). This month, the LORD has promised to fight for us. Our theme for this month Prophetic Prayer is LET GOD ARISE, LET HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED -Psalms 68:1. The enemies of God are the spirit-enemies of His children [for we war not against flesh and blood -Corinth.10:3-6]. These enemies, like the prince of Persia war against the breakthroughs and blessings of God's children [Daniel 10:1-13]. They want to call God "a liar" and manipulate His children to stray away into unbelief and idolatry. Also, Satan (our arch enemy) lures Christians into sin so as to hinder their prayers from being answered (Isaiah 59:1-2, Psalm 66:18).

Whatever might have opened the door for the enemy in your life, be it sin, disobedience, curses or evil covenant, such doors shall be shut permanently; God shall arise and fight your battle, and   great victory shall be yours, in Jesus' name. He did it for the children of Israel and fought their enemies (the Egyptians, the Amalekites and the Philistines) at different times. He shall do even more for us. He shall deal with every enemy of our soul (seen and unseen, known and unknown) and grant us wonderful testimonies, in Jesus' Name.

Welcome to the month of May. May the light of God shine on your paths and pave way for victory and testimonies in every area of your life, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Give thanks to God for His goodness and mercy that endure forever.-Psalm 107:1-2

2. Glorify God for your salvation and redemption. -Psalm 107:1-2.

3. Thank Him for deliverance from every conspiracy and destruction fashioned against your life. .-Psalm 107:1-2, 

4. Give glory to God for always enabling you to triumph over every plot of the enemy. -2Corinthians 2:14.

5. Gracious Father: Grant me the grace and strength to pray through this month, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 33:17, Isaiah 40:29-31.

6. Merciful Father: Let Your mercy speak for me in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 9:15-16.

7. Every burden the enemy places on my life, catch fire and be consumed, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 46:1-4, Hebrews 12:29.

8. Arise O LORD: Deliver me from every burden of the enemy, every day of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 46:1-4.

9. Arise O LORD: Frustrate and disannul every device [plan] of the wicked fashioned against my life (and family), in Jesus' Name. -Job 5:12

10. Arise O LORD: Fight every spiritual wickedness on my path - Now and in Future, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 35:1-10.

11. Arise O LORD: Let the enemies of my life be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

12. Let God arise, let the enemies of my health and peace be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

13. Let God arise, let the enemies of my finances be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

14. Let God arise, let the enemies of my marriage be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

15. Let God arise, let the enemies of my glory and future be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

16. Let God arise, let the enemies of my joy and testimonies be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

17. Let God arise, let the enemies of my business be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

18. Let God arise, let the enemies of peace in our nation scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

19. Let God arise, let the enemies of peace in the church of God be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

20. Let God arise, let unknown and unseen enemies of my life be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

21.Arise O LORD: Let the enemies of the gospel in this nation be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Psalm 68:1-3.

22. Arise O LORD: deliver this nation from the chains of wicked men, Jesus' name. Psalms 68:6 .

23. Arise O LORD: deliver me from the chains of wickedness in Jesus' name. Psalms 68:6 .

24. I am established and fortified in God, against every attack of the enemy, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 54:14, Psalm 18:10.

25. Wall of fire from God, secure my entire family from every form of oppression, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 54:14.

26. Arise O LORD, let every enemy gathered against my glory be scattered, in Jesus' Name.-Isaiah 54:15.

27. No weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper, in Jesus name. -Isaiah 54:17.

28. No weapon formed against my marriage and my business shall prosper, in Jesus name. -Isaiah 54:17.

29. Every evil tongue raised against my destiny, catch fire and be consumed, on Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 54:17.

30. Every evil tongue fighting against my breakthrough, die by fire, in Jesus name.-Isaiah 54:17.

31. Almighty Father, re-arrange my life to confuse the enemy of my soul, in Jesus' Name.- Psalm 23:5-6.


PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL (Starting, Monday 1st of April) 2024.


Text: Isaiah 30:19, Luke 7:12-17.
Mark 9:17-27, Psalm 30:5-12. 


"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. -2 Corinthians 2:14. Glory be to God for His enduring goodness and mercy, for the victory we have in Christ through His death and resurrection. Hallelujah!  Indeed, God has been gracious to us since the beginning of this year -every step of the way. The testimonies have been mind-blowing! He has calmed the storms of the enemy for us as we continually march into victory. His name alone be glorified forevermore. Amen.

This month, the LORD has given His word again by declaring to us: Weep No More! There are situations that make people weep in life; Situations you have laboured to sort out and you have exhausted all options, yet with no positive change; situations the devil orchestrated into your life to disgrace you and put you to shame. It could even be that God Himself allows those situations for a purpose --to humble you or bring you to repentance and make you a better person. Whatever it is, the word of the LORD is clear and reassuring:   "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". Psalms 30:5.

Hannah had her weeping turned into joy when she took her case to God in prayer (1Samuel 1:19-20, 2:1). The woman of Zarephath and that of Shunnem rejoiced when they met God through His prophets [1Kings 17:8-24, 2Kings 4:8-37]. The wife of one of the sons of the prophets got her deliverance from financial hardship and she wept no more when she encountered God through Prophet Elisha [2Kings 4:1-7]. Our mother Sarah attested to the fact that her mourning was translated into joy and laughter, when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:1-7). In like manner, at Nain, the only son of a widow died but was raised back to life, with a reassuring word from Jesus Christ "Weep not" (Luke 7:11-15). You may have been sowing in tears with little or no reward [profit or positive result]. You may have been praying with little or no testimonies. In whatever ways you may have been weeping, your joy has come without fail, in Jesus' Name (Psalm 126:1-6). The Psalmist concludes by saying: "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever" -Psalms 30:11-12.

One thing is very pertinent here; all those who had their weeping translated into joy had certain things in common: they were obedient to prophetic instructions, they  believed God for Who He is, they took the step of faith with decisive action in the direction of God's word.

My earnest desire is that, as we pray together this month, all trials shall be turned into triumph, all struggles and challenges into breakthroughs and prosperity; weeping shall be turned into joy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is always Sure!



1. Give thanks to God for the victory we always have in Christ Jesus. 2Corinth.2:14.

2. Glorify God for goodness and mercy that endure forever. Psalm 136:1-26.

3. Appreciate His unfailing grace in every situation: thank Him for His reassurance. -Isaiah 30:19.

4. Ask for forgiveness of all sins (known and unknown) that may permit weeping in your life & family -Jeremiah 14:7, Psalm 66:18. 

5. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you in every area of your life. -Lamentations 3:22-26.

6. Heavenly Father, please be be gracious unto me, hear the voice of my cry and answer me, in Jesus' Name -Isaiah 30:19, Exodus 6:5-7.

7. Every situation causing weeping in my life, receive divine turnaround, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 30:5, Isaiah 30:19.

8. Every source of sorrow in my life: dry up by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

9. Every form of weeping in my life or family, be translated into joy and dancing, in Jesus' Name -Psalm 30:5, 11-12.

10. I refuse to weep in any area of my life, in Jesus' Name. 

11. Arise to my help O LORD and turn my weeping into joy, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 30:8-10.

12. Gracious Father: wherever I have sown in tears, empower me to reap in joy, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 126:5-6.

13. Almighty God, wherever I have been disappointed and forsaken, cause me to be honoured in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:14-16.

14. Every good treasure I have lost, I reclaim with joy, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms126:5-6

15. Every seed of sorrow sown by the enemy in my life: be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 97:3-5.

16. I receive the grace above shame and sorrow; I weep no more in Jesus' name. -Isaiah 30:19, Luke 7:12-17.

17. Violence shall no more be  heard in my land, neither wasting nor destruction within my borders, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 60:18.

18. I shall not mourn again; my days of mourning are ended in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:20.

19. I triumph over every situation, and over every manipulation of the enemy, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 8:37.

20. Every seed I have sown in tears, I reap in joy in multiple folds, in Jesus' name. -Psalm126:5-6.

21. Every suffering and affliction of sorrow in my life, be terminated by the blood of Jesus Christ. -Galatians 6:17, Coloss.2:14-15.

22. Every arrow of affliction, weeping and sorrow fired against me, be quenched by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29, Psalm 97:3.

23. Every agent of affliction and oppression assigned against my life, LORD deliver me from them in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 3:7-9, 6:5-7.

24. I shall not weep over anyone in my family, and they shall not weep over me, in Jesus' Name. -Luke 7:12-17

25. I receive Oil of Gladness over every situation in my life, in Jesus' name. Psalm 45:7.