Text : Psalm 138:1-8,127:1, 57:1-2, Jn17:23, 1Cor.3:6-7, James 1:4, 17, 25, Acts3:6-7, Rom12:2, Heb13:21, James3:2, Psalm19:14.

(1) Thank God for bringing you safely to the 2nd part of the  year. Thank God for His grace upon the church, your life and family- Psalm138:1-2.
(2) Thank God for answered prayers in every area of your life and the church in general- Psalm138:3-6.  (3) Lord, forgive me every form of sin; save me from every craftiness of sin and Satan, in Jesus' name.- Psalm 66:18.  (4)Lord, have mercy on Your church and the members in general, in Jesus' name.- Psalm138:8.  (5)My Father and my God, perfect me in every meditation of my heart and every confession of my mouth, to the glory of Your name in Jesus name.- James3:2, Psalm19:14, Rev.3:2.  (6)Lord, do not let the meditation of my heart, nor the word of my mouth, nor the works of my hands, lead me astray, in Jesus' name.- James3:2, Psalm19:14.  (7)Father, help me to get rid of fear of the unknown in my service unto You, to serve in love, in Spirit and in truth, in Jesus' name.- John4:23-24, 1John 4:17-18.  (8) O Lord, perfect that which concerns the church, my life and family, in Jesus' name.  (9) O Lord, help VictoryLand to maintain perfect unity among the members, ministers and branches of the church, in Jesus' name- Jn17:23.  (10) Lord strengthen and perfect every good virtue, faith and commitment that is dying in me,  in Jesus' name- Rev3:2.  (11)Lord, perfect my efforts in every area of my life, in Jesus' name.- Heb13:21, 1Cor.3:6-7, Psalm127:1, 57:1-2.
(12) I receive the grace, patience, faith and all it takes to attain perfection in my service unto God and everything I do,  in Jesus name.- James1:4, 17, 25.
(13) O Lord, perfect healings upon my life,  family and business, in Jesus name.- Acts3:1-16.
(14) Lord perfect healings upon every area of the church, in Jesus name.- Acts3:1-16.
(15) I refuse to suffer in vain; Lord let all that I have suffered perfect my strength for greatness, in Jesus' name.  (16)O Lord, by the anointing of divine perfect, establish, strengthen and settle me,  in Jesus' name.- 1Pet.5:10.  (17)My Father and my God, perfect Your strength in my weakness, for the glory of Your name, in Jesus name.-2Cor12:9.