PROPHETIC PRAYER GUIDE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY (Starting, Wednesday 1st Of February) 2023


Text: Psalm3:3, 
Isaiah 60:1-22, Isaiah 43:18-20, Zech.2:5, Psalm 84:11.


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

Glory to our heavenly Father, the Giver of life and the Lifter-up of our head against every attempt of the enemy that was against us all through our journey last year (Psalm 3:3).  The journey was quite rough and  challenging but by His grace, we triumphed over every manipulation of the enemy. The enemy strove against us but God gave us resounding victory. Indeed, we are "More Than Conquerors" through Christ our Lord and Saviour (Amen) - Romans 8:3, Proverbs 21 been to :31, 1Corinthians15:57.

I am fully persuaded that God's mighty presence is with us. He has declared that we move from Victory to Victory in the year 2023. This is my earnest desire and prayer for His people (the church) and the country at large. In the light of this,  God is leading us to pray this month on the theme: A NEW GLORY (Isaiah 60:1-22). 

However, for us to walk in the reality of this glory, the Psalmist counsels us in Psalms 84:11 to walk uprightly before God, in all our  endeavours. Let us trust in Him for perfection of all our efforts and pursuits. No achievement is meaningful without Him. As we jointly pray in unity of faith this month, a new wave of glory shall glow, and rise upon every area of our lives with wonderful testimonies following, in Jesus' Name. 

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Let us appreciate God for His bountiful goodness and mercy upon our lives. Psalm149:1-5.

2. Worship and Sing Praises to the Almighty for all the victories and testimonies in the church and in our families. Psalm 144:9.

3. Give glory to God Almighty for His Sure Promises for us this year. 1Corinth.2:9, 2Corinth.1:20.

4. Ask for forgiveness of your sins in different dimensions. Psalm 66:18.

5. Pray that His mercy will speak for you and your entire family. Rom.9:15-16.

6. Every glory attached to my destiny, speak forth, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1

7. Every sleeping glory in me, arise and shine, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1.

8. Power of darkness shall not have dominion over my glory; the glory of God shall rise upon me in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:2.

9. Evil altars raised to swallow my glory, catch fire, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 97:3-5, Hebrews 12:29.

10. Glory eaters positioned to swallow my glory, be consumed by Fire, in Jesus' Name. Psalm 97:3-5, Hebrews 12:29.

11. Every covenant and Conspiracy fashioned against my glory, scatter by fire, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 54:15-17, Psalm97:3-5.

12. Almighty Father, deliver me from every reproach of Ichabod, that want to turn my glory into shame, in Jesus' Name. 1Samuel 4:19-21.

13. New Glory, spring forth in my life, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-2.

14. Every dead glory in my life, arise and live, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-2.

15. Power For New Glory: come upon me NOW, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 40:28-31, 43:18-20. 

16. Heavenly Father, let the light of Your glory in my life attract unbelievers to Christ, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-4.

17. My Father and my God, let the light of Your glory attract blessings from far and near to me, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:5-13.

18. Heavenly Father, make a covenant of NEW GLORY with me, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-2.

19. Glorious Father, by the reason of Thy glory, let my "little" become a thousand, and my "small one" a strong nation, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1, 22, Job 8:7.

20. Where benefactors have forsaken me, Father remember me for good, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-3, 15-16.

21. By the grace for New Glory, Father let New Testimonies begin to spring forth and manifest in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-3.

22. Almighty Father, by reason of the New Glory, surround my entire family with Your Wall of Fire, in Jesus' Name. Zech.2:5.

23. Almighty God, violence, wasting and destruction shall not be heard in my house, family, business and marriage, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:18.

24. My "Sun" shall not go down and my "moon" shall not withdraw, but my New Glory" begins to shine in different dimensions, in Jesus' Name -Isaiah 60:20, 1Corinth.15:41.

25. My days of mourning are ended. Wave of NEW GLORY, begin to blow across every area of my life, in Jesus' Name -Isaiah 60:20, Psalm 30:5.

26 . Wave of NEW GLORY, blow across my family, blow across the church and blow across our nation, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 60:1-22.

27. Door to my New Glory, open; Pathway to my New Glory, be clear in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 43:18-20.

28. Worship and Sing Praises to God Almighty for answering our prayers. Isaiah 65:24, Jerem.33:3, Matt.7:7-11.

29. Give thanks to God for awaking a new glory in your life. -Psalms 57:7-8 

Ministers Prayer Conference


Text: Ezek.22:30, John15:16, 1Tim.2:1-6, Isa.59:16, 62:6, 63:5.


*INTERCESSION means The act of intervening or mediating between two parties.In other words, it is a prayer to God on behalf of another person or other people. The ministry of intercession is very important to God. INTERCESSORS are God's children who "stand in the Gap" for others (Christians or unbelievers, with or without their knowledge. God wants us to be intercessors in different dimensions (Ezek.22:30, Matt.5:44). He is always looking for intercessors. 


i. The Holy Spirit (Rom.8:26).           ii. Jesus Christ is the Chief intercessor (Isa.53:12, Jn14:16-17, Rom.8:34, 1Jn2:1-2, Heb.7:24-25)

iii. Abraham -Gen.18:22-33.

iv. Paul the Apostle - 1Thess.1:2, Gal.4:19

Paul admonishes all Christians to intercede for the saints (Ephes.6:18).

v. Moses.  Numb.12:1-13

vi. Prophet Jeremiah -Jer.7:16, 11:14, 14:11


i. They pray for people or on behalf of people, with / or without their knowledge. 1Thess.1:2, Gal.4:19

ii. They meditate or plead for other persons.  Heb.7:24-25, Gen.18:22-33

iii. They intercept or stop the enemy’s plan in other people's lives.  

Luke 22:31-32.

iv. They make attempts to deliver the souls from satanic bondage, so that such souls may not go into eternal hell. Rom.9:2-3, Gal.4:19, 1Tim.2:1-4, Gen.18:22-33. This is what I call "Prayer Evangelism". 

Jesus commands that we should ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field” (Luke 10:2). This prayer concerns the “harvest field” of evangelism in the world. It is a prayer that people will be saved and God will be glorified. The Church, especially ministers are obligated to engage in this type of intercession daily.