PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY (Starting, Saturday, 1st of February) 2025.


Text: Joel 2:15-32, 25-26, Psalm 51:10-12, Jeremiah 30:16-20, Psalm 126:1-6


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! Through the enduring mercy of our God we have triumphed gloriously all the way into the new year. He has also started a good thing in us by His revelational leading, starting from the first month. We had entered His gates with thanksgiving since the first month; and His praise shall continually be in our mouths throughout the year, in Jesus' Name. This is because He alone has supremacy over all things, over all situations, over our past, present and future. He has provided for us ahead, all things pertaining to life and godliness. Alleluiyah! Amen! -Psalms 34:1-10, Revelation 3:7-8, 2Peter 1:3.

This second month of the year, the LORD has again given us His word. He has given us a spiritual compass to navigate through the month of February victoriously. His Prophetic Word for us this month is DIVINE RESTORATION (Joel 2:25-26, Jeremiah 30:17, Psalm 51:12). 

What is Restoration?  

In God’s definition or Bible pallance, Restoration is, simply put, rediscovery and recovering that which was lost. It is a revelational  discovery through God's word, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to retrieve what rightfully belongs to us. It is taking back what has been stolen or taken away from us in all ramifications -spiritually, financially, materially, medically, maritally, etc. It is a spiritual operation following the process of Renewal, Revival and Returning you back to your original position. In actual reality, when God returns to you all that has been stolen, He does so far beyond human limitations, far beyond your initial position before the recovery. Indeed, your latter glory will far exceed the former (Haggai 2:9).

Although it is only God that can restore, but we also have a part to play. We have to prepare our heart and be ready for the restoration. We have to pray in faith and follow it up with necessary actions or steps of faith that will foster restoration (Psalm 126:1-6, Hebrews 11:1-2, 6, John 14:13-14, James 2:14-26).

Divine restoration is a product of Spiritual Revival. Our God does not play around with words. He means every bit of it. It is restoration from backsliding back to far beyond your original spiritual status in God, Psalm 51:10-12. It is bringing back soundness where there have been lukewarmness and sickness. It is reclaiming or repossessing back those lost grounds, blessings and glories that are originally ours or predestined to us.

It is an all-round restoration - Joel 2:25-26. As we pray together this month with great expectation and unwavering faith,  we shall launch into a new wave of testimonies, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Give thanks to God for goodness and mercy that endure forever. -Psalms 106:1, 136:1-4.

2. Glorify God for all-round blessings -spiritual, physical/material, intellectual, financial and marital blessings. -Psalms 103:1-5.

3. Bless and worship the name of the LORD for the past, present and future victories/blessings.  -Psalms 136:1-4.

4. Give thanks to God for seen and unseen, known and unknown victories.  -1Corinthians 2:7.

5. Pray for forgiveness of known and unknown sins. -Psalms 66:18, Hosea 7:1.

6. Pray that God's mercy will speak for you in every area of your life. -Romans 9:15-16.

7. Heavenly Father, where I have backslidden, restore me back to fullness of Your righteousness,  in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 51:10-12.

8. Almighty Father, restore to me the joy of salvation, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 51:10-12.

9. God of restoration: Restore to me all the blessings I lost last year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 126:1-2.

10. Almighty God, restore to me all the great connections and opportunities I have lost, in Jesus' Name. Ezekiel 37:

11. My Father and my God, restore to me all the great and good things I have lost since the beginning of this year, in Jesus' Name, -Psalms 126:1-3

12. Heavenly Father, I recover and repossess all the spiritual   blessings I have lost in Jesus' Name. -Obadiah1:17,  

13. Father, I recover and repossess all the financial and physical blessings I have lost, in Jesus' Name. -Obadiah1:17, Psalms 126:1-6.

14. Almighty God, repair and rebuild all the good things that have been wasted and destroyed in my life, in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 61:4.

15. Almighty Father, where I have mourned, grant me exceeding joy in double fold, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 61:3, 7.

16. Merciful Father, spare my entire family from austerity and restore abundant blessings to us, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:15-19.

17. Almighty Father, deal with the enemies of peace and progress in this nation, who feed on the sufferings of the people, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:20, Jeremiah 30:16, 20, Micah 3:1-4.

18. My loving Father, where I have been wounded and sick restore health, where I have been sorrowful, restore abundant joy, in Jesus' Name. -Jeremiah 30:17-20.

19. Almighty Father, restore the glory of this nation with sound health and abundance of joy, in Jesus' Name. -Jeremiah 30:17-20.

20. My Father and my God, where I have laboured for nothing, let me reap with exceeding joy, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 126:1-6.

21. Heavenly Father, restore this nation back to the paths of godliness, greatness, glory and abundance, in Jesus' Name -Joel 2:20-25.

22. O LORD, discomfit and destroy every armament of the wicked over this nation,

in Jesus' Name. -Jeremiah 30:16, 20-22, Joel 2:20-21.

23. Almighty God, restore onto this country the great treasures she has lost, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 126:1-6.

24. Almighty Father, restore to the church, all the great treasures she has lost, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 126:1-6.

25. My Father and my God, restore me back to the paths of godliness, greatness, glory and abundance, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:20-25, Jeremiah 30:20-22.

26. Heavenly Father, discomfit and destroy every armament of the wicked contending against my life, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:20-21, Psalms 35:1-10, Jeremiah 30:16, 20.

27. Almighty Father, with testimonies that cannot be contended, I recover all the years that have been wasted in my life, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:25-27.

28. My Father and my God, You have justified for greatness; I shall never go down nor be put to shame in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26-27.

29. Holy Spirit of God, restore to me every spiritual gift that I have lost, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:28-32.

30. Holy Spirit of God, bestow upon me strength and wisdom for effective service in your vineyard, in Jesus' Name.  -Joel 2:28-32, Isaiah 40:29-31.

31. Almighty Father, strengthen me for exploits in everything I lay my hands upon, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

32. Heavenly Father, contend with every power that contends against my restoration, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 35:1-10.

33. Eaters of glory and wasters of efforts contracted against my life, die by fire, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 35:1-10, Psalm 97:3-5.

34. Praise God Almighty, worship Him and give thanks to Him for answering your prayers. -Ephesians 3:20-21, John 14:13-14, Psalm 66:17-20, 1John 5:14-15

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