Text: Psalm 67:1-7, Psalm 65:1-13, 1Corinthians 2:9. 2Chronicles 20:1-28.
It is our month of Prophetic Praise. It is prophetic in the sense that every word or statement of praise ushered to the glory of God is an expression of our gratitude to Him for His goodness and wonderful works in the past, the present and the future. By implication, as we praise God in faith, we are not only thanking Him for all He has been doing but prophesying our belief in Him about our expectations during and after the Praise Season. At such a season, victory is inevitable.
The children of Moab, those of Ammon and of Mount Seir, waged war against the Israelites at Judah. Jehoshaphat the king of Judah led the Israelites to seek the face of the LORD in fasting and prayer. In the midst of this, the Holy Ghost came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph; he prophesied to encourage the Israelites that the God of Israel has promised to fight for His people. In absolute faith on this word of prophecy from God, Jehoshaphat appointed singers to praise and glorify God. As they praised and thanked God with a loud voice towards the battle field, God arise and fought for His people by setting ambushment against the enemies (the Moabites, the Ammonites and those of Mount Seir) such these enemies turned against one another and killed themselves. -2 Chronicles 20:14-28. Thus the children of Israel praised God prophetically, in faith, and they got their needed victory miraculously.
So, in like manner, ours is a Prophetic Praise. As we praise and thank God wholeheartedly, in faith, starting this month, we shall experience supernatural victory with a miraculous turnaround and glorious testimonies, in Jesus' Mighty Name.
Have a Testimony-filled Month.
Prophetic Praise
1. Give thanks to God for His goodness and mercy throughout the previous year. -Psalms 106:1, 136:1-4.
2. Give thanks to God for His salvation and deliverance.
3. Give thanks to God for forgiving your iniquities -Psalms 103:1-3, 130:1-3.
4. Give thanks to God for justifying you by His mercy -Romans 5:1-2, Psalms 130:1-3.
5. Praise Him and give thanks for all the benefits you received last year -Psalms 103:1-2.
6. Praise Him and give thanks for your healing when you were ill -Psalms 103:3.
7. Praise Him and give thanks for His protection, security and redemption from dangers. -Psalms 103:4.
8. Praise Him and give thanks for fighting your battles. -Deut.20:4, Exodus 14:24-25, Psalm 35:1, Psalms 144:1.
9. Praise Him and give thanks for defending you from every attack of the enemy -Psalms 124:1-7, 46:1.
10. Praise Him and give thanks for His deliverance and incomparable help. -Psalms 124:8, 42:5, 46:1, 63:7.
11. Give thanks to God for all the victories, the blessings and the testimonies. -Psalms 103:1-2, 89:1.
12. Praise Him and give thanks for His faithfulness and compassion. -Psalms 89:1, 5, 8; Lamentations 3:22-23.
13. Heavenly Father: let my praise and thanksgiving this month translate into supernatural victory, in Jesus' Name. -2Chronicles 20:22-28.
14. My Father and my God: let Your goodness and Mercy follow me allts through this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1-6.
15. Almighty Father, let all my thanksgiving and praises translate into fulfilment of prophecies and testimonies, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 67:1-7.
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