PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER (Starting, Sunday, 1st of September) 2024


Text: Psalm 23:1-6


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! We have come a long way this year and God has been there for us every every step of the way. His divine guidance, protection and security have been our confidence. His enduring love and mercy cannot be overemphasized. For the victories, testimonies and ever present help, we return all the glory to Him. May His name alone be glorified forever more (Amen).

Last month, the LORD directed that we should pray and arise unto NEW GLORY, Jesus Christ, being the hope of New Glory (Isaiah 60:1-22, Colossians 1:27). It was a prophetic declaration about what God has prepared for His children, those that diligently seek Him. Permit me to stress here that every monthly theme God has ever given us is a progressive and evergreen covenant. It is the mind of God for us every month, which is not limited to the particular month in question. Rather, it is "rolled over" to subsequent months and spans through the whole year. By implication, we should continue to walk in the consciousness, practicality and cumulative testimonies of the monthly prayer themes.

This month, the LORD has given us yet another dimension of Himself with which He wants to relate with us. He has directed us to pray on the theme: THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD (Psalm 23:1-6). The word “shepherd” in Hebrew is "Ra'ah". This describes one who tends, leads, feeds, and protects his flock of sheep. God is the Jehovah-Rohi, Jehovah Roeh or Jehovah Raah. That is, our shepherd who offers us comfort, security, and unlimited provision. God has vested all this in Jesus Christ who has become the Good Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. - John 10:9-16, 1Peter 2:25, 5:4.The Almighty God, the God of this commission, has charged us to walk by this knowledge and step into the reality of this revelation and all His promises.

For you to get the best of the "Good Shepherd", you have to: 

i) Recognize Him as the only One that has the final say in your life. He laid down His life for us on the cross, shed His blood to redeem us and granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness - 2Peter1:3, Revelation 3:7.

ii) Walk with Him in faith and obedience, allow Him to fight your battles and direct the affairs of your life. -Hebrews 11:1-2, 6, Psalm 125:1-5.

iii) Stand upon His unfailing promises and pray to God in faith, in the exalted name of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11, 2 Corinthians 1:20, 2Peter1:3).

iv) Abide in Him always and trust His unfailing ability  -John 15:1-8, Psalm 91:1-16.

v) Learn to give glory to Him in all situations, knowing fully well that there is nothing too hard for Him to do - Isaiah 42:8-13, Jeremiah 32:17, 27.

Having done all this, understand that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" -Romans 8:28.

As we pray together in unity of faith this month, the Good Shepherd shall visit us in His magnanimity. He will grant us access to all His Shepherd's provision". His miraculous intervention shall answer for us in every area of our lives, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Welcome to the new month - a September to Remember for good. With Jesus Christ, our Victory is Sure!


Prophetic Prayer Points 

1. Give thanks to God for all-round victory, in every area of your life. -2Corinthians 2:14.

2. Glorify God for fighting your battles - known and unknown, seen and unseen.

3. Thank the Almighty Jehovah for divine help, provision, protection and security. -Psalms 46, 121.

4. Sing praises to the Rock of our salvation for His promises that are "ye" and "Amen". Psalm 95:1-3, 2Corinthians 1:20, 1Corinthians 2:9.

5. Pray for pardon for all forms of sin and plead God's mercy over your life and family. -Psalms 51:1-12.

6. Pray for faith impartation by the Holy Ghost, to receive your needed miracles. -Hebrews 11:1-2, 6; Luke 8:43-48, 17:13-19.

7. Pray for grace to launch into your testimonies this month, and throughout this year. -Jeremiah 33:3.

8. Jesus Christ the Good and Great Shepherd, feed me with the good things of life and spirit this month (and this year) in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1-2, 2Peter 1:3.

9. Almighty Jehovah-Rohi, grant me abundance of all-round provision this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. 

10. Almighty Jehovah Raah, launch me in green pastures for fruitfulness and abundance, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:2.

11. Almighty Father, lead me in the paths of peace, and blessings without sorrow, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:2, Proverbs 10:22.

12. My Great Shepherd and Provider, grant me unstoppable provision that testifies to Your glory in my life, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, Revelation 3:7-8.

13. Great Shepherd and Bishop of my soul, restore my spiritual strength and revive me by Your Spirit, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, 51:10-12.

14. My Father and my Shepherd, fill my hunger and thirst in Your righteousness, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, Matthew 5:6.

15. Wherever I have lost blessings, breakthroughs and opportunities in the past, I recover them back, by divine speed in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 23:3, Isaiah 9:7.

16. The LORD is my Shepherd: my cup shall run over with divine supply this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1-2, 5.

17. The LORD is my Shepherd: 

I shall not lack any good thing in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1,  34:10.

18. The LORD is my Shepherd: I shall not miss out of God's promises this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, 1Corinthians 2:9.

19. The LORD is my Shepherd:

No evil shall befall me; no evil shall befall my entire family, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:4, 91:10.

20. The LORD is my Shepherd, my Refuge and Fortress: I am delivered from every snare, pestilence, arrows, terror or destruction, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:4, 91:1-6.

21. The LORD is my Shepherd: wherever I have been troubled  and wounded, I receive healing and comfort, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 23:4, Isaiah 40:1-9, Jeremiah 33:6.

22. Whatever is of the devil in my life and family, be consumed by fire! In Jesus' Name. -Matthew 15:13, Psalm 97:1-5.

23. Whatever contends against the glory of God in my life, come out by fire! In Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 42:8-13, Hebrews 12:29.

24. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive the table of abundance, that the enemy cannot contend, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:5, Revelation 3:7.

25. The LORD is my Shepherd: I enter into an open door of breakthrough, victory and abundance, in Jesus' Name -John 10:9, Revelation 3:7-8.

26. I receive the anointing for victory, fruitfulness and abundance from my Shepherd, in Jesus' Mighty Name. -Psalms 23:5.

27. The LORD is my Shepherd: His goodness and mercy shall follow me everywhere, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:6.

28. The LORD is my Shepherd:  I shall never be separated from Him, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:6.

29. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive the grace to abide in Him always, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:6, John 15:1-7. 

30. The LORD is my Shepherd: I receive His ministering angels into my life, family and business, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 91:11-12, 34:7.

31. The LORD is my Shepherd: my entire family is covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ for divine protection and security, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:1.

32. The LORD is my Shepherd: I am delivered from seen and unseen dangers, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 91:14-15.

33. The LORD is my Shepherd:  I receive the grace for sound health and long life, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 91:16, Isaiah 65:20-24.

34. The LORD is my Shepherd: I shall not lack any good thing, in Jesus' Name -Psalms 23:1.

35. The LORD is my Shepherd: He shall continue to guide and defend me; I shall not be put to shame, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:1, Joel 2:26-27.

37. Give glory and honour to the God for answered prayers. -Psalms 91:15, Isaiah 65:24.

PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (Starting, Thursday 1st of August 2024)


Text: Colossians 1:27, Isaiah 60:1-22, Isaiah 43:18-26.


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

All glory to God Almighty for His goodness and mercy that endure unceasingly in our lives and situations. His name alone be exalted forever in Jesus' Name (Amen). Again, all thanks, honour and adoration to Him Who is our Pillar, Healer, Deliverer,  Sustainer, Giver of all that pertain to life and godliness (Psalm 103:1-5). He alone deserves our heartfelt and consecrated worship in every situation. As children of God, we know that all things work together for good to them that love the LORD... Romans 8:28. So shall every situation continue to translate into testimonies, in our lives in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Last month, our heavenly Father charged us to enter into His covenant of all-sufficiency through His Mighty Name: El SHADDAI. Suffice to say is the fact that, through our obedience to that charge, God laid a foundation of unceasing supply of all that will bring glory to Him in our lives, now and in the future. This month, He has directed us to pray and work on the theme: NEW GLORY! Indeed, Jesus Christ is Our Hope Of NEW GLORY (Colossians 1:27). He is the key, the door, and the ladder to new glory. -John 1:14, 2:11, 10:9, 17:5, 22.

By virtue of our inheritance in Christ, our Hope of new glory, we have the fulfilment of God's promise of restoration to the original glory and dominion invested in us at creation. It is the restoration of His righteousness as dominion over sin; restoration of His power and authority to dominate sicknesses, bondages, affliction, oppression and every device of the enemy. This hope is not a wishful thought, but the confidence, expectation and joyful knowledge that we are being changed by God from glory to glory as we walk with Him in faith, obedience and consecration, worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth. What a glory! -2 Corinth.3:18, John 4:22-24.

Of a truth, God has always been faithful to His word, in different testimonies as we have witnessed. Yet by virtue of this covenant, He is taking us into another realm of glory, far more exceeding than our past testimonies. That is the New Glory! Let me quickly add this: as always with every monthly prayer released to us from the throne of grace, the fruits of this prayer are not limited to this month alone. It shall span through the whole year and even into the future, as we faithfully walk with Him in obedience and consecration. In the scriptural passage, Isaiah 60:1-22, the re-echoing of the future tense "shall" throughout the scripture is an indication of progressive testimonies every month, going forward. It is symbolic of the fact that  every month shall be marked with new blessings, new miracles, new wave of divine intervention, new connection for greatness, new heights in the ladder of success and breakthrough, and...what have you?

2 Corinthians 5:17  says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new". Surely new testimonies shall characterize every month for us. His grace shall be the platform for this dispensation of new glory and His Holy Spirit shall be our strength. -Zechariah 4:6-10.

If we are ready to pray, then our God is ready to answer. He chided the children of Israel for their failure to pray earnestly in appropriating God's promises for their lives. -Isaiah 43:19-22, Jeremiah 33:3. My earnest desire and prayer is that, as we come together in unity of faith to approach the throne of grace this month, our prayer shall attract heaven's attention and God shall visit us with the wave of new glory in Jesus' Name.

Remember, With Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure! 


Prophetic Prayer Points 

1. Give thanks to God for His goodness and His enduring mercy over our lives and family. - Psalm 136.

2. Give glory to God for loading us with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly benefits. -Psalms 68:9, 19, 65:9-13.

3. Appreciate God and worship Him for Who He is, for His promises that are "’ye' and "Amen" -Jeremiah 32:17, 27, 2 Corinthians 1:20.

4. Give thanks to God again for all the great and wonderful things He has in stock for us this month, this year and years ahead. -1 Corinthians 2:9-10. 

5. Ask for forgiveness of known and unknown sins. Proverbs 28:13, Psalms 66:18.

6. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you throughout this month and this year. -Romans 9:14-16.

7. I receive the spirit of living Faith, that will propel me into new glory, in Jesus' Name. - John 11:40.

8. Lord Jesus: I recognize You and confess You as my only hope of new glory.  Take Your place in my life, in Jesus' Name.

9. Holy Spirit, help my faith to receive all that the LORD has provided for me this month, in Jesus' Name.  -1Corinthians 2:9, Mark 9:23-24, Hebrews 11:1-2, 6.

10. Jesus Christ is my Hope of New Glory; I renounce and reject all that is contrary, in Jesus' Name.  -Colossians 1:27.

11. Whatever is not of God, come out of my life, out of my family, out of my business, in Jesus' Name.  -Matt.15:13.

12. Every reproach in my life, be erased by the Blood of Jesus and be translated into glory, in Jesus' Name.  -Joshua 5:9.

13. Where I have been hopeless, Holy Ghost rekindle my hope and faith to receive my needed miracles, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 61:3.

14. Every glory that is dying in my life, receive strength and come alive, in Jesus' Name.  - Isaiah 40:29-31, 60:1-2.

15. Whatever the enemy has planted in my destiny to hinder my glory, be uprooted and consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name.  -Matthew 13:25, 15:13, Hebrews 12:29.

16. New Glory, spring up in my life, spring up in my family, spring up in my business, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-3. 

17. Whatever is standing to hinder my New Glory, give way in Jesus' Name.  -Zechariah 4:5-7.

18. Every power that contends against the glory of God in the church, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Mighty Name. 

19. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my life, in my future, die by fire in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

20. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my marriage and my family, be consumed by fire, in mighty name of Jesus Christ.

21. Heavenly Father, grace to arise and shine in evangelism and follow up, release upon the church, in Jesus' Name.

22. Every power that contends against the glory of God in my business/work, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' Name.

23. Every power waiting at the point of breakthrough to destroy me or my new glory, die by fire, in Jesus' Name.

24. Every power that has gone ahead to destroy the future glory of the church, die by fire: the glory of the church is restored in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 97:1-3, Joel 2:25-30.

25. VictoryLand Apostolic Chapel (from the headquarters to the branches), it is time to arise: Arise and Shine in supernatural growth and expansion, in Jesus' Name.

26. Spirit of prayer, Spirit of revival, come upon the youths, come upon the adults and the children in the church, in Jesus' Mighty Name.

27. Spirit of evangelism, Spirit of follow up, Spirit of signs and wonders [for the church to Arise and Shine], come upon the church in Jesus' Name.

28. Every power [spirits of negligence, laziness and prayerlessness] that wants to keep me down from arising and shinning, catch fire and be consumed, in Jesus' Name. -Hebrews 12:29.

29. Doors of New Glory, Doors of New Breakthroughs, Doors of New Testimonies, open unto me in Jesus' Mighty Name. -Revelation 3:7-8, Matthew 7:7-11.

30. Every power that wants to shut the doors to my new glory, Holy Ghost Fire clear them out of the way, in Jesus' Name.

31. Strength/Power to arise and shine into new glory, come upon me in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. - Isaiah 40:29-31.

32. Wall of Fire from God, surround my life, my family, my business in new glory, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 125:1-2, 34:7, Job 1:8-10.

33. Fire of God, contend with every devourer of glory in my life, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 97:1-3

34. Garment of New Glory, come upon my life, my family  and my business, in Jesus' Name. 

35. No power can keep me down: I arise and shine in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 60:1-3, Philippians 4:13.

36. Every satanic agents contracted against my life and future to hinder my new glory, be consumed by fire in Jesus' Name.

37 Every enemy disguised (as friend) to hinder my new glory, fire of God separate us in Jesus' Name.

38. I receive grace for New Glory: new levels of breakthrough, new levels of blessing, new levels of achievement, in Jesus' mighty Name.  -Ephesians 2:8, 1 Corinthians 15:10.

39. I receive power to arise and shine in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name.  - Isaiah 60:1-3, 40:29-31.

40. New testimonies, new levels of glory that will compel unbelievers to come to Christ, I receive in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-3.

41. Every good thing I have started little, I receive strength (unction) to finish it in greatness, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:1-2, 22, Luke 12:32.

42. Blessings of the New Glory, I shall not miss any of you in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 60:5-22. 

43. I detach my mindset from every disappointment of the past; I launch into the realm of new testimonies, new glory, in Jesus' Name.  --Zechariah 4:5-7, Isaiah 43:18-22.

44. VictoryLand, Arise and Shine! -For salvation of souls, for supernatural growth and expansion, in Jesus' Name.  -Luke 12:32, Job 8:7. 

45. Testimonies of New Glory, show forth in all VictoryLand Churches, in Jesus' Name. - Isaiah 60:1-3.

46. Worship God. Praise Him. Give thanks to Him for answered prayers.  -Isaiah 65:24.

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure! -Romans 8:37.