PROPHETIC PRAYER for the Month of July (Starting, Saturday, 1st of July) 2023.


Text: Psalm 138:7-8, Psalm 19:7-8.


Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah!

Thanks be unto God for His goodness and mercy that endureth forever (1Chronicles 16:34).

Every month, the LORD has been gracious to us by His leading in the realm of our supernatural inheritance in Christ Jesus. Hitherto we have witnessed an array of testimonies, to the glory of Almighty God. There is no limit to what our God can do. So get ready for more this month. I am confident and persuaded by His unfailing grace, that you will have glorious testimonies this month, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

By His grace, our Prophetic Prayer Theme this month is:  GOD OF PERFECTION. Our God is the God of Perfection (Genesis 1:31). He cannot fail, cannot falter and cannot be weary. There is no unrighteousness in Him. When we pray in faith, He perfects our prayers; and this is the perfection: "...all things work together for good to them that love God..." -Romans 8:28. God's time is always the best.

But what is Perfection?

Perfection is the quality or state of being complete, so that nothing substandard remains; the highest attainable state or degree of excellence. It is the quality, attribute or endowment that is completely excellent or flawless. This description can only, in its highest level, be attributed to God Almighty. He is perfect in His creation (Genesis 1:31). He is perfect in love (John 3:16). He is perfect in His Words (Psalm 19:7-8, John 1:1-5). He is perfect in glory and power (Isaiah 6:1-7, Luke 1:37). God of Perfection uses the instrument of grace to crown us with success beyond our personal efforts. He beautifies all that concern us beyond what our personal strength can achieve. God of Perfection adds a seal of grace upon our inadequacies and translates it into abundance (Psalm 23:5-6). He perfects your journey to breakthrough by supplying extra strength (or grace) to get there faster (Isaiah 40:29-31). 

He perfected His will upon the children of Israel, delivered them from the land of bondage and led them into the Promise Land (Genesis 17:1-8, Exodus 14:1-31). He perfected His will upon Hannah by wiping off her scourge of barrenness (1Samuel 1:13-20, ). He perfected Jabez' life and turned his reproach into glory (1Chron.4:9-10). He remembered Abraham and Sarah for fruitfulness even at old age. Medically and humanly speaking, it is impossible for a man of hundred years and a woman of ninety years to bear a child together. But the God of Perfection made it more than possible (Genesis 17: 19-21, 21:1-8, Psalm 92:12-15).

In her hopeless situation, the woman of Zarephath with her son had only little flour and oil left to eat, expecting no other provision but death! But the God of Perfection turned the table against the spirit of lack and death, giving her supernatural abundance (1Kings17:1-16). When the God of Perfection comes into your situation, your little is translated into abundance . Your nothing is translated into something. Your reproach is translated into glory. 

It is the God of Perfection that translates your little efforts into great success. It is the God of Perfection that translates your weaknesses into strength. It is the God of Perfection that connects a nonentity to people of great substance.

However, we need to walk with Him in faith and obedience. We need to appreciate the fact that, He alone can perfect all our efforts, weaknesses and inadequacies. While depending on the grace of God, we need to strive for perfection in every area of our lives, like Paul the apostle. We need to strive for perfection in obedience, in doing His will and in all that concern the advancement of His kingdom. Jesus emphasizes that we must strive for perfection just as our Father Who is in heaven -Philip.3:12-15, Matthew 5:48, 1Peter 1:16. Not only these, we also need to meditate constantly on His word until it "becomes flesh and dwell with us" in our situation. Our meditation and confession based on His sure promises should re-echo in our hearts and mouths everytime. -Ps.1:1-3, Joshua 1:8

We need to approach His Throne of Grace with thanksgiving always, in appreciation of the past, present and our future expectation for perfect (Psalm 100:1-5, 67:1-7). As we pray together this month, the LORD shall perfect all that concerns us, and our testimonies shall know no bounds, in Jesus' name. 

With Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!              And all-round perfection is guaranteed.

Shalom !


1. Give thanks to God for seeing us through the first half of the year safely and victoriously. -2Corinth.2:14.

2. Give thanks and sing to Him for His manifold blessings -Seen and unseen, known and unknown. Exodus 15:1-6, Psalm 103:1-5.

3. Glorify Him for His goodness and mercy that endure forever upon your life and family.  -Psalm 136:1-4, 23-26.

4. Glorify God for His sure promises that will be fulfilled in every area of your life this year. 1Corinth.2:9, 2Cirinth.1:20.

5. Pray for forgiveness of all forms of sin. Hosea 7:1, Psalm 66:18.

6. Pray that God's mercy speaks for you in every area of your life. Nehem.9:19, Romans 9:15-16.

7. Pray that your entire family shall be established in God's righteousness. That they shall not depart from the faith. Isaiah 54:14, 1Tim.4:1.

8. Holy Spirit of God, perfect the love of God in me, so as to do God's will and affect others positively, in Jesus' Name  -1John 4:16-21, Romans 5:5-8.

9. God of Perfection, no members of my family shall be subject to satanic oppression, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 54:14.

10. God of Perfection, let Your mighty hands come upon anyone under satanic influence in my family and perfect their deliverance in Jesus' Name.  -Exodus 15:6.

11. God of Perfection, none of my  family members shall miss out of Your plan and purpose this year, in Jesus' Name. Jeremiah 1:5-6.

12. God of Perfection, show forth in my life, career, ministry, business and my family, in Jesus' Name. Proverbs 10:22, Psalm 127:1.

13. God of Perfection, perfect Your will upon my life and all my undertakings, for exploits in Jesus' Name. -Proverbs 10:22, Psalm 138:8.

14. God of Perfection, perfect Your peace upon my life in any trouble I find myself, in Jesus' Name.  John 14:27, Mark 4:35-41.

15. God of Perfection, in my weakness, perfect Your strength in me. In my foolishness perfect Your wisdom in me, in Jesus' Name. -Psalm 138:8, Isaiah 40:29-31.

16. God of Perfection, stretch Your hands against the enemies of my soul, and deliver me, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 118:7.

17. God of Perfection, remember me for good this month and this year, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 138:8, Malachi 3:16-18. 

18. God of Perfection, that glorious achievement that has been difficult for me, make it happen for me this month and this year, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 118:7-8, Philip.4:13.

19. God of Perfection, where I have been sick, perfect sound health, where I have been struggling, perfect breakthrough, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

20. God of Perfection, where there is poverty, perfect wealth, where there is lack, perfect abundance, where there is hate perfect love, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 3:10,  Proverbs 10:22.

21. God of Perfection, perfect Your glory in my life, business and family, in Jesus' Name. -Psalm 138:8.

22. God of Perfection, connect destiny helpers to me, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 121:1, 

23. God of Perfection, anoint me and my family for perfection this month, in the name of Jesus' Name. -1Samuel 10:6-11.

24. God of Perfection, by reason of the anointing for perfection, all things shall work together for my good, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 138:8, Romans 8:28.

25. God of Perfection, where I have been discouraged I receive encouragement, where I have been cast down, I receive a lifting up, in Jesus' Name.  -Philip.4:13, Job 22:29.

26. God of Perfection, by Your grace, I shall not be disgraced nor put to shame, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 138:8, Joel 2:26-27.

27. God of Perfection, I agree with Your word: Every plot of the enemy shall not succeed over my life and family, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 25:1-2, 20, Isaiah 54:17.

28. God of Perfection, I agree with Your word in faith: I shall not be ashamed in every area of my life this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. -Psalm 119:6, 46, 80, 116.

29. God of Perfection, Every good thing that has been tampered with in my life, restore back to perfection, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:25-27.

30. God of Perfection, every abandoned project of breakthrough in my life, perfect them to completion, in Jesus' Name.  -Zechariah 4:8-10.

31. God of Perfection, lift me above shame and sorrows, translate my reproach into glory, in Jesus' Name.  -Genesis 30:22-23, 1Chronicles 4:9-10.

32. God of Perfection, I receive perfection of testimonies of all my prayers since the beginning of this year, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalm 138:7-8

33. God of Perfection, let Your Mighty Hands come upon me for all-round perfection, in Jesus' Name. -Psalm 138:7-8, 118:16-17.

34. Holy Spirit of God, channel the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart in the direction of God's will, Jesus' Name. -Psalm 19:14, Luke 6:45.

35. God of Perfection, help my faith to be a full partaker of all the blessings You have ordained for this month, in Jesus' Name. -Mark 9:23-24, Matthew 13:58.

36. Give thanks to our God of Perfection for answering our prayers, and for the testimonies waiting for us this month. -1John 5:14-15, Matthew 7:7-11.

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