Ministers Church Management Seminar (Continued)



The sanctity of salient information within the body of Christ requires a high level of confidentiality. It is not every thing you see or know about the church that should be discussed openly; this might discourage young or new converts and wreck their faith. Also, God forbids busybodies and indescriminately or publicly disclosing the weaknesses of the church to outsiders. Paul said he saw certain things in the third heaven that are not lawful for man to utter - 2Corinth.12:1-4. Let us examine the following scriptures in the light of information management:  Proverbs 20:19, Proverbs 11:13a; 16:27, 28; 17:9b. Romans 1:29; 2 Corinthians 12:20, 1Timothy 5:13; 2, 1 Timothy 5:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:11, Proverbs 25:9-10, Matthew 18:15.


As leaders, we are expected to spot  and harness with love, the spiritual gifts and talents of our members for growth and development of the church and God's kingdom in general. Spiritual Gifts are bestowed by the Holy Spirit to profit for the kingdom of God; e.g. gift of Prophecy, revelation, healing, etc. Talents are special abilities given to us by God; e.g. ability to draw, sing and dance wonderfully well. Talents can be inherited, learnt and developed while gifts are given by God and received by a child of God to profit into His kingdom. Exodus 31:1- , 36:1-2, 31:1-7.

While managing their gifts and talents, leaders should have no reason whatsoever to be jealous of what their members possess. Rather, they should guide in love and help members or workers who possess such gifts towards maximizing such potentials to the glory of God and the blessing of humanity. Knowing fully well that every good and perfect gift comes from the LORD, leaders should be well positioned to properly manage those gifts and talents. 1Cor.12:1-6, Ephes.4:1-8, Rom.12:6-10, 1Corinth.14:26.


Do not be a waster of God's resources; be an astute manager of all resources in God's kingdom, as a steward. Resources such as landed property, buildings, vehicles, money, etc, must be properly managed with utmost accountability, towards the advancement of God's kingdom. They must be held in high esteem, not as personal but as God's own property; that way, church leaders will be cautious of the way they treat or handle church resources.  John 6:1-13, 12-13*,  Lk 9:12-17.


When you have sought and got the mind of God on a matter, do not be a sluggard or a time waster in implementing His directives.    "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might... Eccles.9:10. Paul's zeal for the tradition of the fathers in persecuting the church was translated into positivity when he encountered the Lord Jesus; he wasted no time in carrying out the Lord's directives - Galatians 1:13-17. Do not procrastinate. Do not waste time in unnecessary, minor things. Concentrate on what is major and reduce focus on the minors. Col.4:5, Ephes.5:15-17, James 4:14-14, Eccles.3:1-8, 11, Prov.6:6-8, 27:1, Psalm 90:12.

"Time is our most precious gift because we only have a fixed amount of it" - RICK WARREN.

"Serve God by doing common actions in a heavenly spirit, and then, if your daily calling only leaves you cracks and crevices of time, fill them up with holy service.”  CHARLES SPURGEON.

Also, time must be properly managed in all we do at the pulpit - in preaching, in teaching, in announcement, in giving testimonies, etc. This is to give time for other activities in the church, especially after service closes. However, there are services in which "Time" can not be preset. such include: Deliverance and Healing Services, Prophetic gathering, Anointing Service, etc.


The pulpit is part of the "altar of sacrifice" for ministration unto God. The presence, that is, the fire of God, radiates from the altar into the congregation. We are to manage situations on the altar and around the pulpit so as avoid unnecessary distractions during services (Leviticus 6:9-13). Pulpit ministers are to ensure Spiritual and ethical decorum on the altar and at the pulpit as mistakes on the altar can easily be noticed by the congregation. 


By the Spirit of God, Joseph assisted Egypt to manage crisis (Gen.41:1-44). Also, Paul the Apostle had to manage crises many times in the Corinthian Church. 1Corinth.3:1-9, 8:1-11. In all organizations, the church inclusive, risk management is central to the success of leadership and management.


Manage your health. It takes a healthy spirit, soul and body to do ministry effectively and successfully. Jesus demonstrated this during His ministry on Earth. Even though God has promised us sound health, yet we have to manage our health to be effective for the advancement of His kingdom and to the glory of His name (3John1:2, Jerem.33:6, 1Corinth.10:31).  If God rested after His six-day work of creation, then we all need rest. Jesus needed to rest (or sleep) after tidious ministry activities; let us learn from Him (Genesis 2:1-3, Matt.8:24, ). The Day of Rest (Sabbath) is sanctified, not only to worship God in spirit and in truth but also to have enough time to rest on weekly basis.

Eating good and hygienic food, drinking good water, eating fruits and vegetables, as well as bodily exercise, are very necessary for us to maintain good health Acts (27:34). Also, maintain a healthy heart by not keeping grudges or malice but find a reason to be merry and happy always, even in the face of challenges. Pray and seek counsel, if necessary, instead of getting worried over your challenges (Proverbs 17:22, 3:7-8).

Physical training, exercise and relaxation/rest improve and benefits our health (1Tim.4:8).

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