Theme: Role of Workers In Church Growth & Development.

Text: 1Tim.4:12, 1Cor.3:1-15, 12:3-6,  2Tim.2:1-22, 2Kings6:1-6.

If you do not know or are not  sure who a worker is, you may not understand your proper place or role in God's kingdom. Just as a company without a formidable workforce remains dormant and underproduced, so is a church without active workers. Tell me a Church without active workers and I will tell you a church without strength, without foresight and without future. Such a church is like a vehicle engine without chassis.

Who Is A Worker?
A worker is one chosen by grace to render certain services unto God for the advancemen of His kingdom, under the leadership of a pastor or leader. 1Cor.15:10, Heb.5:4, Ephe 2:5-8. He is a solder in God's army batallion. 2Tim.2:1-3.

There are diversities of work/workers in the church, namely: Ushers, Choristers / Choir / Singers, Maintenance, Teachers, Welfare, etc. No one is too young to be a worker in their own respect provided they are of the age of accountability, who can differentiate between right and wrong. Joash or Jehoash was the youngest leader that ever ruled; he became king in Jerusalem, at the age of seven (7) years (2Kings12:1-2, 2Chron.24:1). Another one was Josiah, who became king at the age of eight (8) years (2Kings22:1, 12 ). 

As workers, we are sowing in God's kingdom towards the growth and development of the church. Workers are on the pay-slip of God  and Christ being the Head of the church, is our paymaster. Gal.6:6-10, 1Cor.3:8, 2Tim.2:6, Col.1:18, Ephe.1:22-23. Workers are Ambassadors for Christ and His church. Ephe.6:20, 2Cor.5:17-20. Also, workers are leaders-in-constant-training. If you are not trained as a worker, tó be a good follower, you cannot be a good leader. 2Tim.1-2,15.

Study the following Bible passages and list out the qualities of a good worker:

(a) 1Tim.4:12-13, John9:4, Luke 2:41-52.
*Charity and godly love
*Purity of heart and intention
*They reflect godliness in their conversation and whatever they do.
*They are Committed
*They are disciplined and obedient, as a test of being true workers. Heb.12:1-11

(b) 2Pet.1:5,10, 2Cor. 8:7, Rom.12:8, Prov.4:23, Heb.6:11-12
*They are Diligent
*They have Godly Virtues
*They have Temperance and Self-control.
*They are fruitful and productive 

(c) 2Tim.2:1-15, Acts 6:1-5, 1Tim.4:13
* They are Honest & Faithful
*They are people of good report.
*They are full of Holy Ghost, Faith and wisdom.
*They are meek
*They are learned in the things of God
*They are teachable
* They are readers.
1Cor.3:1-15, 2Kings6:1-6, Exod.17:8-13, Acts 6:1-6 
GROWTH is all about physical increase in size, number strength and value. DEVELOPMENT is the quality of  membership (the church), which is visible to the environment. Growth is to get bigger in size and number whereas development is improvement and progress in every area of the church, as it contributes positively to the overall life of the church, her members and the environment.

From our knowledge about who a worker is and their qualities, we can see clearly that workers in God's kingdom are agents of growth and development. We are called to work in His vineyard. If we do it faithfully and diligently, God releases the unction for quality increase (growth and development) upon the church. Just do your part faithfully and increase will come. 1Cor.3:6-10. However, it is God's church and so we have nothing to boast of, as workers; we are called by grace and that grace is of God. 1Cor.15:10, Ephe 2:9, Rom 3:27, 11:18. 

Whatever work you do in His vineyard, just do it "as unto the LORD", as one who will receive reward from Him. Col.3:23, Ephe 6:6, 1Cor.3:1-13. Whatever work we do, the ultimate aim is to bring souls into His kingdom for expansion (growth and development. Matt.12:30, 2Tim.2:10 ). The unity of the workers with their leader (or pastor), fosters growth and development. The following Bible instances picturize how workers stand as agents of growth and development:
1. Effective Evangelism and Follow-up: Evangelism without proper follow-up is like catching fishes and throwing them back into the river; it is ineffective to cause growth and development. As it was in the case of the Apostles of old after their Holy Ghost Baptism, Effective Evangelism and Follow-up, when prayerfully and tactically done, bring about supernatural growth and development. Acts 2:38-47.

2. Living an Exemplary Christian Lifestyle That Demonstrates The Love of Christ Towards All Men: This can attract unbelievers to Christ. They "read" us and understand the love of Christ better and thereby get attracted to Him. 2Cor.3:2, Acts 2:38-47.

3. Workers Form a Strong Force / Prayer house against satanic activities, for the advancement of the church. 2Tim.2:3-5, Nehem 4:7-12, Ephe 6:10-20.

4. They are Initiators For Growth and Development: Under the leadership of their pastor or leader, workers initiate growth and development in different dimensions. They bring laudable suggestions and contributions, they initiate projects and motivate church members, like the sons of the prophet. They teach members to learn commitment and sacrificial giving. 2Kings6:1-6, Acts 2:38-45, 4:32-37.
5. They are Helping Hands To Their Pastor in different areas and teach members same through the good examples portrayed by them. 2Kings 6:1-6, Matt.12:30.

6. They portray good virtues and characters in the eye of the entire membership of the church, as good example to them. 2Cor.3:2, 1Tim.4:12-13.

7. They Encourage and Strengthen Their Leader, in Word, in Obedience, in Unity, in Prayer, in Giving, ... This is symbolized by holding Moses' hands up during the war with Amalek. Exod.17:8-13.

*Final Note: God is not looking for "multitudes to work for Him. He is looking for"few" available ones, who are ready to be committed to Him. If we refuse to work for Him, He can replace us with "Stones", people we least expect, who have been far away from the grace. When the children of Israel were going for war, the instruction given to Gideon in this wise was to select the best "few" who were fit and ready. Judges 7:1- 12, Matt.22:14.

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