PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER [Starting, Tuesday 1st of October] 2024


Text: Psalm:85:1-13, 51:1-19, Joel 2:21-32.


Glory to God Almighty for His goodness and mercy that endure forever upon us all! Alleluiyah! We sincerely give thanks to God Who has continued to support us on every side and made us victorious over all situations. His name alone be exalted forevermore. Every month and every season, the LORD has been merciful to us in giving us relevant instructions at every point. He sees and understands all our concerns. He knows the future from the beginning. This is reflected in the prophetic instructions we receive from Him every month; the testimonies thereafter bear witness to this.

Last month, He launched us into the realization of His shepherding over us. In the past, present and future, He continues to be our Great and Good Shepherd. God requires us to internalize, walk and pray with this understanding. We need to grow in this knowledge of Him through Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. This was the apostles' prayer (Ephesians 1:15-20, 2Peter 3:18). All that being said, know that our monthly prayers are not limited to the particular month in question but are relevant throughout the year and the future. Once again, Glory to God for all the testimonies! Alleluiyah!

This month, the Almighty God has again, given us His word. He has directed us to pray for "Spiritual Revival". It is a spiritual awakening devoid of sinful interest and self-righteousness. It is breaking up our fallow ground so that God's righteousness will impact our lives for His glory (Hosea 10:12).It is an awakening with renewed, vision, passion and strength to serve God in Spirit and in truth. It is an awakening from spiritual slumbering and snoring to spiritual alertness and steadfastness. It is an awakening from a state of depression that engenders suicidal tendency to a state of aggression against demonic/satanic forces. It is an awakening to hunger and thirst after God's righteousness (Hosea10:12, Matthew 5:6). It is rending our heart and making it available for God to mend and indwell; it is allowing God to break us down and remould us after His will (Joel 2:12-13, Ezekiel 36:26, Indeed, an awakening to value and cherish God's divine presence (with reassurance) over any situation. - Psalm 51:1-19, Romans 13:11, John 4:23-24.

It was the spiritual revival that made Habakkuk confessed: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places..." -Habakkuk 3:17-19. It was this spiritual revival that made David the Psalmist cry out: "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God" -Psalms 84:1-2. In just the next chapter of Psalms, David again re-echoed his intense desire for spiritual revival when he said: "Wilt thou not REVIVE US AGAIN: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"-Psalms 85:6. In fact, Psalm 51 picturizes a penitent soul yearning for spiritual revival. This is what God requires of us, in times like this.

Note: Every spiritual revival is infectious; it affects every other areas of our lives, namely, personal life, marriage, career, business/work, family, etc. It is synonymous with Jesus' declaration in Matthew 6:33 [But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you]. Psalm 85:6-13 also emphasizes this. It is also picturized in the valley of dry bones as bringing back to life every good thing that is dead in a person's life (first, spiritual, then others) -Ezekiel 37:1-14. Every physical manifestation has spiritual preparation. Nothing really happened in the physical without first, being established in the spirit -realm. As it is in God's spiritual realm, so it is in the satanic realm. So, every form of revival starts in the spirit-realm. 

Whenever and wherever there's spiritual revival, the following will be evident:

1. Penitence & repentance. -Psalms 51:1-11.

2. There will be salvation, restoration and deliverance. - Psalm 51:7-14.

3. Willingness to accept correction and discipline.

4. Willingness to serve and worship God in spirit and in truth. -John 4:23-24

5. Willingness to work for God 

without being forced or  coerced.

6. Joy in the Holy Ghost, irrespective of what you might be passing through. -Psalms 85:6.

7. You will find it easy to hear and obey the voice of God. -Psalms 85:8.

8. Hunger and thirst after God's righteousness; willingness to be guided by His righteousness. -Psalms 85:10-11, 13.

9. The spiritual revival impacts supernatural increase and abundance upon our labour (that is, the work of our hands). -psalms 85:11-12.

10. Faith in the unfailing ability of God and His promises in every situation. -Romans 8:28, 

Habakkuk 3:17-19, 2Corinth 1:20.

11. The people's hearts pant and long for God's presence in worship. They are not forced to come to church. Their love and affection for God become very strong continually. -Psalms 84:1-12.

12. Children of God have the willingness to wait upon God to renew their strength. -Psalms 84:5-7, 11, Isaiah 40:29-31.

13. Where there have been famine and austerity, there will be abundance and fruitfulness. -Joel 2:16-26.

14. Where there has been spiritual dryness and frustration, there will be spiritual fruitfulness and flourishing. -Nehemiah 8:10-11.

15. God's presence will be evident in every department of the church and every area of our lives. -Joel 2:27-32.

16. There will be unity of purpose and the Holy Spirit will have His way in the church. Nehemiah 4:1-6, 7-17, Acts 2:1-4.

As we wait upon God and pray ceaselessly this month, His Holy Spirit shall impact on us the spirit of true revival with supernatural turnaround for His glory, in Jesus' Name (Amen).

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!



1. Give thanks to our Good Shepherd for His divine protection, provision, guidance and security.

2. Exalt His holy name for who He is. - Jeremiah 32:27, 17.

3. Glorify Him, sing praises to Him for always making us triumph over every situation. -2Corinthians 2:14, Romans 8:37.

4. Thank Him for upholding us in the faith, despite all the challenges facing this country.  -Romans 8:37.

5. Pray for forgiveness of any form of sin that can hinder your prayers before God. -Psalms 66:18, Hosea 7:1.

6. Pray that His mercy will speak for you throughout this month and this year. -Romans 9:15-16.

7. Revive me O LORD, by Your Spirit, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:6.

8. Every seed of lukewarmness in me, be rooted out in Jesus' Name. -Matthew 15:13.

9. My spirit, soul and body,  awake from slumber, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 13:11, 

10. Heavenly Father, grant me all-round mercy in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:6-7.

11. Every fallow ground and every barrier to my spiritual revival, be broken in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 10:12.

12. Holy Spirit, revive my spirit-ear to hear the voice of God when He speaks, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Joel 2:28-29.

13. Holy Spirit, revive my heart to receive instruction from God, when He guides me, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Joel 2:28-29.

14. Holy Spirit, open my spirit -eye to see when God reveals, in Jesus' Name. -2Kings 6:15-17.

15. Heavenly Father, where there has been trouble, speak peace; where there has been storm, speak calmness, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:8, Mark 4:37-39, John 14:27.

16. Every wickedness plowed into my life through the error committed by me or my parents, be wiped off, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Hosea 10:13  [Pray same for your children].

17. Almighty God, let Your righteousness look down from heaven and bless the work of my hands, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:11-12.

18. Holy Spirit of God, set me in the paths/steps of God's will to do things right, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:13  

19. I shall not go astray, no member of my family shall go astray, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 85:13.

20. Heavenly Father, anyone that is already going astray in my family, redirect them back to Your will, in Jesus' Name.  --Psalms 23:3-4, 85:13. 

21. Fire of revival, break forth in every department of the church, in Jesus' Name. -Acts 2:1-4, 38-47, Nehemiah 4:1-6.

22. Fire of revival, break forth in every home in this church, in Jesus' Name. -Acts 2:1-4, 38-47, Nehemiah 4:1-6.

23. Holy Spirit of God, restore every backslider (at heart), in my family, Jesus' Name. 

24. Heavenly Father, deliver me from the bondage of sin, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 6:14.

25. Spiritual Revival for effective evangelism, come  upon me in Jesus' Name. 

26. Spiritual Revival for effective prayer-life, come  upon me in Jesus' Name

27. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My spiritual life is revived, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2.

28. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My entire family/marriage is revived, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2.

29. I enter into the realm of spiritual revival: My business is revived from losses to profitability, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 84:1-2, Isaiah 48:17.

30. Heavenly Father, let Your rain of righteousness come upon my life for bountiful harvest, in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 10:12.

31. Almighty Father, every blessing I have lost, restore back to me in folds, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:3, Joel 2:25

32. Every spiritual strength/gift I have lost, be restored  back to me, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:25. 

33. Every spiritual gift that is dying in me, receive strength and be revived, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

34. Every good seed I have sown, yield with strength unto me in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:22. 

35. Give thanks to God for answered prayers. -Isaiah 65:24.