PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE (Starting, Saturday 1st of June) 2024.


Text: Romans 9:15-16, Hosea 10:12, Isaiah 55:10-13, Exodus 16:4-5, Genesis 6:1-8, 7:1-24, 8:1, Deuteronomy 28:1-12,13.


Life is full of challenges but we have a sure word of prophecy that guarantees our victory in all situations. Alleluiyah! -Romans 8:35-37, 1John 4:4, Psalm 34:19. This victory is a product of God's infinite mercy and grace.

It is of the Lord's mercy that we were not consumed in the challenges of life. His compassions never fail; they are new every morning. (Lam.3:22-25). Thanks to God Almighty who has been fighting our battles in every area of our lives with resounding victories, always. Alleluiyah! -2Corinthians 2:14.

The Almighty Jehovah, the Man of War, has indeed been fighting our battles. Last month, He directed us to pray that our enemies [His enemies] be scattered. We believe strongly (and testimonies affirm it) that our God has been making this a reality in every area of our lives. He alone be praised forevermore. -Exodus 15:3-8.

This new month, the LORD has promised us "Rain of Mercy". Praise ye the LORD! Alleluiyah! God's Rain of Mercy is the Rain of His Righteousness; He has said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" -Romans 9:15-16. This declaration from God can never fail. He is not a man that He should lie; His words are settled in heaven and can not return void but to fulfill His glorious will in our lives.       -Isaiah 55:10-13.

It was this rain that gave the children of Israel abundance of provision at a time they were in dire need of food in the wilderness. It also gave them water at different times (Exodus 16:4-5, Exodus 15:23-25, 17:1–7, Numbers 20:1–14). It was the rain that Hosea, by the Spirit of God,  called "Rain of Righteousness" (Hosea 10:12). It was the Rain of Mercy that Serah, Hannah, Jabez, Obed Edom, Jacob and others experienced in their dispensation, that turned around their situation for good. It was this same rain that favoured Noah even when the entire world was being ravaged by the flood occasioned by the same rain. When this rain comes, it will grace [or favour] the efforts of God's children with abundance of blessings but destroy every manipulative effort of the enemy formed against us. -Genesis 6:1-8, 7:1-24, 8:1. Surely, this Rain of Mercy is of God and from God alone. 

It is a rain of divine help upon all our efforts, a rain of blessings.  -Psalms 121:1-2, Proverbs 10:22. It translates your efforts into "green pastures" of evergreen fruitfulness and surrounds you with His "still waters" of peace. -Psalms 23:1-2. The Rain of Mercy is an anointing that the enemy cannot contend with. It brings healing, restoration and surround you with the good things of life and the spirit. It positions you in the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit for divine direction and supernatural encounter that bring forth glorious testimonies, Joel 2:23-29.

However, as we pray, we also have to eschew sin and be obedient. This is because prayer gives us access to the throne of grace but obedience  and consecration unlock the treasures/riches of this grace. - Psalm 66:18, 24:3-5, Deuteronomy 28:1-12, Isaiah 1:19, Genesis 6:1-8. As you dwell in His presence this month, your labour shall be rewarded and He shall teach you to profit greatly in all ramifications. His Rain of Mercy shall shower abundantly on all your godly pursuits and windows of heaven shall open for your abundance, in Jesus' Name (Amen).  -Psalms 23:3, 5-6, Malachi 3:10-12, Hosea 10:12.

Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure.



1. Give glory to God and appreciate Him for all His goodness and mercy over your life and family. -Psalms 103:1-5.

2. Give Him thanks for all your expectations that shall soon be a glorious testimony. -Romans 8:28.

3. Ask for forgiveness of all sins -known and unknown.

4. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you in everything you lay your hands upon this month and this year. -Romans 9:15-16, Psalm 23:5-6.

5. Holy Spirit of God, impart on me the spirit of obedience to profit from the Rain of Mercy, in Jesus' Name.  -Isaiah 1:19.

6. Rain of Mercy, saturate  everything I lay my hands upon this month and this year, in Jesus' Name. 

7. Let my heaven be open for abundance of rain on all my efforts (this month and this year) in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:12, Malachi 3:10-12.

8. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD restore to me in folds, all the treasures I have lost, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:18-25.

9. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD grant me the grace to eat in plenty and be satisfied, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26.

10. Rain of Mercy from the LORD, increase me on every side, and promote me beyond human limitation, in Jesus' Name.  -Psalms 75:6, 1Samuel 2:7-8.

11. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive all the necessary provision for good and meaningful life, in Jesus' Name. - Deuteronomy 28:12,  Psalms 23:1-6, Philippians 4:19.

12. By Your Rain of Mercy, restore all that devourers have eaten up in my life, in Jesus' Name. Joel 2:23-25.

13. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive grace and strength for expansion, in Jesus' Name. -1Chronicles 4:9-10.

14. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive grace and strength for breakthrough in every area of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 40:29-31.

15. By Your Rain of Mercy, I shall never be put to shame, but shall joy in abundance of testimonies, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:26.

16. By Your Rain of Mercy, I receive divine directions for all-round breakthrough, in Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:23-29.

17. By the Rain of Mercy,  every good prophecy that have lingered in my life, come alive to fulfilment, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 55:10-13.

18. By Your Rain of Mercy, LORD terminate every suffering that has mingled with my blessings, in Jesus' Name. -Proverbs 10:22, Deuteronomy 28:12.

19. LORD, by Your Rain of Mercy, all things shall work together for my good, in Jesus' Name. -Romans 8:37.

20. By the Rain of Mercy from God, I shall never be poor nor barren, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 1:20-28.

21. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren spiritually, in by Jesus' Name. -Joel 2:23-28, John 15:1-8, 16-17.

22. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren in marriage, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 23:25-26.

23. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall not be barren in business and at work, in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:8-12.

24. By the Rain of Mercy from the LORD, I shall be fruitful in all areas of my life, in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 28:1-12.

25. My Father and my God, let Thy goodness, mercy and blessings follow me every step of the way, in Jesus' Name. -Psalms 23:5-6, 68:9-10.

26. Give thanks to God for answered prayers. Sing praises to Him and exalt His holiness. -Psalms 30:1-4, Isaiah 65:24