PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER (Starting, Sunday 1st of October) 2023



Texts: Hosea 4:6-19, 7:1, Genesis 9:20-29, 18:17-33,  Deut.27:15-26, 28:15-19, Numb.23:23. Obadiah 1:17, 2Chron 7:14.


Thanks be to God who has provided all things for us in Christ Jesus. We have continued to witness and enjoy His lovingkindness, divine provision, divine protection, sound health all through the previous months. Last month, in His magnanimity, God visited us with divine help. Having prayed this prayer wholeheartedly, our testimonies shall continue to resound into the future, in Jesus' name. Assuredly, by His grace, His goodness and mercy shall endure upon our lives forever (Amen).

All glory to the One who loves us so much that He always causes us to triumph (over all situations) in Christ Jesus. Alleluiyah! - 2Corinth.2:14. This month, by the direction of the Holy Spirit, we shall be praying on the theme: "Deliverance From Corporate Curses". Corporate Curses are curses shared with other people of the common origin, common traits or common actions (past, present and future). These could be in form of national curses, generational curses, parental/family curses, marital curses, self-inflicted curses, etc. -Malachi 3:7-10, Jerem.17:1-8.

Such curses can be from God due to disobedience or certain evils done in the past by a person, their parents or spouses (Malachi 3:7-10). It can also be from man due to certain evils done against others (Numb.22:1-20, Genesis 9:20-29, 35:21-22> 49:1-7). 

A whole country can be under curses; a country that elevates evil and idolatrous worship more than Almighty God can be placed under perpetual curse, unless they repent. God can have mercy on them if He finds some righteous people there who call upon Him in spirit and in truth (Gen.18:17-33, Malachi 3:7-10, Psalm 9:17-20.

Anytime the Israelites committed sins, especially idolatry and disobedience, against God, He releases them into the hands of their enemies. The enemies would inflict pains and suffering upon the entire families (or nations) of the Israelites. However, when they repented, He had mercy on them.- Judges 2:1-20, 4:1-3. For those that refuse to repent, He places curses on them. Likewise in our days: many are under perpetual bondage,  and untold hardship due to the sins of their parents or generality of the people. This brings perpetual sufferings upon the people. -Hosea 7:1. What the people should do is to plead with God for forgiveness and mercy; then pray for deliverance.

As we pray together this month, the Almighty God shall have mercy on us and deliver us from corporate curses, in Jesus' Name (Amen).


1. Give thanks to God Almighty for His lovingkindness, His goodness and mercy endure forever -Psalm 136:1-26

2. Give thanks for the seen and unseen victories, known and unknown blessings God bestows upon us.  - 2Corinth.4:18, Isaiah 45:3.

3. Glorify God for the revelations and prophecies that pave way for us in every situation. 1Corinth.2:9-11, Isaiah 45:1-2.

4. Praise God for His Protection, Security, Provision, Victories and all other blessings He has provided for us in Christ Jesus. -Ephesians 3:8.

5. Give glory to God for all the blessings and testimonies bestowed upon the church and your entire family. 

6. Pray for forgiveness of your sins. -Psalm 66:18, Psalm 51:1-14

7. Pray that God's mercy shall speak for you and your family throughout this month and this year. Hosea 1:7, 2:23.

8. LORD, please forgive us the sins of our parents, that have inflicted curses upon us, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 20:1-6.

9. Heavenly Father, we ask for forgiveness of the sins of the leadership, that have inflicted sufferings upon this nation, in Jesus' Name. -2Chronicles 7:13-14.

10. Righteous & Almighty Father, forgive this nation of the sins of killing, stealing and destruction perpetrated in all facets of the country, in Jesus' Name. -Malachi 3:7-12, Isaiah 1:15-18.

11. Almighty Father, deliver this country from the guilt and repercussions of sins, in Jesus' Name. -Isaiah 1:15-18, Psalm 51:1-14.

12. Heavenly Father, have mercy on the church and deliver her from the curse/scourge of sin, in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 4:6-9

13. Almighty Father, grant the church revelational knowledge to overcome every manipulation of the enemy, in Jesus' Name. Hosea 4:6.

14. Merciful Father, every curse placed upon the church due to the sins of the members and the leadership, forgive us and remove those curses, in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 4:6-9.

15. Every sin of idolatry that attracted curses into my lineage, Father forgive us and deliver us from those curses in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 4:10-19.

16. Every curse inherited from my parents, Blood of Jesus cleanse me from them all, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 20:1-6.

17. Every curse inherited through my marriage/spouse, Blood of Jesus cleanse me from them all, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 20:1-6.

18. Every curse I contracted through social affiliation, Blood of Jesus, erase it from my life, in Jesus' Name.

19. Every curse I contracted through business affiliation/relationship, Blood of Jesus, erase it from my life, in Jesus' Name

20. Every unknown curse placed upon my life, Blood of Jesus, erase it, in Jesus' Name. -Coloss.2:14-15.

21. Every reproach and curse inherited through my past life, Father roll it away from my life, in Jesus' Name.  --Genesis 9:20-29, Joshua 5:9.

22. Every curse that I share due to the sin of my nation, LORD cleanse me from them all, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 18:17-33, Malachi 3:7-13.

23. Every glory that has been turned  into shame, LORD have mercy on me and restore it, in Jesus' Name. -Hosea 4:6-7.

24. Almighty Father, heal my land and my country, of  all curses and reproach, in Jesus' Name. -2Chronicles 7:13-14.

25. Every curse inherited through my disobedience, LORD have mercy on me and erase it by the Blood of Jesus Christ. -Deut.28:15-19.

26 Every curse placed on my life due to my successes, Heavenly Father justify me by Your Blood and erase it in Jesus' Name. -Numb.22:1-6, 23:23.

27. Every curse pronounced against my generation from past generations, LORD destroy it by Your mercy, in Jesus' Name. -Exodus 20:1-6.

28. Every handwriting of evil requirements in my life, marriage and family, Blood of Jesus erase it, in Jesus' Name. -Coloss.2:14-15.

29. Let every curse placed on my lineage be turned into blessings, in Jesus' Name.  -Deuteronomy 27:12-13, 

30. Let every blessing ordained for my lineage speak forth in Jesus' Name. -Deuteronomy 27:12, Genesis 1:26-28.

31. Almighty Father, deliver me from every curse I contracted in my dreams, in Jesus' Name.

32. My Father and my God, deliver me from every curse I brought upon my life through my word and actions, in Jesus' Name. -Proverbs 26:1-2, Matthew 12:37.

33. Deliver me O LORD, from every repercussions of curses in Jesus' Name. -Proverbs 26:1-2.

34. Almighty God, Deliver me from curses I contracted through sinful lifestyle, in Jesus' name. - 1Corinth.6:15-20.

35. Almighty Father, bless every tongue that blesses me, for a testimony to the glory of Your name, in Jesus' Name. -Genesis 12:2-3a.

36. My Father and my God, I curse every tongue that is contracted to curse my destiny, in Jesus' Name.  -Genesis 12:3, Isaiah 54:17.

37. Give thanks to God for answered prayers. -Isaiah 65:24, 1John 5:15.