Text: Genesis 1: 25-28, Deut. 28:1-13, Psalm 1:1-6, Acts 14:17
Praise ye the LORD!... Alleluiya!
Glory to God Almighty Who has always made His words practical and testimonial upon our lives. Indeed, His words are in Him "Ye" and in Him "Amen" - 2Cor.1:20. He does not promise in vain, neither does He allow His words to fail- Isaiah 55:11. This year, the LORD has promised to remember us for good in every area of our lives. His church shall be remembered for good and so shall everyone that truly put their trust in Him.
In the previous month, He has given us 'Rain of Blessings'. This month, the LORD wants us to maintain a confession, which is, I SHALL BE FRUITFUL. We have to do our own part and leave the rest to Him for perfection since we have this sure word of Prophecy from Him: "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" -Jerem. 33:3. Understand that doing your own part involves your faith, obdience, prayer and being at the right place at the right time. Hebrew 11:1-6, Deuteronomy 28:1-13, Psalm 1:1-6.
The Psalmist's confession is an encouragement for us "The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands."- Psalm 138:8. We also have these injunctions from the scriptures: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." -Proverbs 18:21.
"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned" -
Matthew 12:37. So, in all we do this month, let this confession be in our mouth continually and let it settle in our spirit and soul that, "I SHALL BE FRUITFUL". Indeed, we are destined (by God) to be fruitful in every area of our lives.
To be fruitful is to be productive, to be profitable, to yield abundance and be result oriented in all we do, to the glory of God. All these and more shall spring forth in our lives as we pray in unity of faith this month, in Jesus' name.
Remember, with Jesus Christ, Victory is Sure!
1. Thank God for His goodness and mercy that endureth forever, in every area of your life - Psalm 136:1-26.
2. Sing praises to God from the depth of your heart for all His blessings, seen and unseen, known and unknown. 1Corinth.2:9, 2Corinth.4:18.
3. Thank the Almighty God for His grace and authority that prevail over every situation in the church and in our lives. Matt.16:18-19, Jeremy.32:27, 17.
4. Give glory to God for all the testimonies of His faithfulness within the church, in your life and family. Lamentation 3:22-25.
5. plead for forgiveness of all sins- known and unknown -Psalm66:18.
6. Plead for His mercy. Pray that God's mercy will speak for you in every area of your life. Rom.9:15-16.
7. My Father and my God, grant me the grace to be fruitful in my spiritual life, starting from this month, in Jesus' name. Galatia 5:22-25.
8. Almighty Father: grant me the grace to be fruitful in evangelism, to give birth to spiritual children for the advancement of Thy kingdom, in Jesus' name. John 15:1-16, Matt.6:33.
9. Every evil tree bearing evil fruit in my life, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' name. Galatia 5:19-21, Matt.13:25.
10. Heavenly Father: release upon me unction for fruitfulness, this month and this year, in Jesus' name. Psalm 23:5-6, Psalm 1:1-3.
11. Holy Spirit of God: lead me in the paths of fruitfulness, in everything I do this month and this year, in Jesus' name - Psalm 23:1-6, 1:1-3, Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 48:17.
12. Holy Spirit of God: teach my hands to profiit and be fruitful in all I lay my hands upon this month, in Jesus' name. Isaiah 48:17.
13. Heavenly Father: my going out and my coming in this month shall be all fruitful, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Psalm23:5-6.