PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER (Starting, Thursday 1st October), 2020



Text: Psalm23:1-6, 91:1-16, 121:5-8, Isa.54:19*, 43:1-4, Psa.34:7*, Gen. 28:15, Nahum1:7, Prov.29:25. 3:24-26*, 18:10*

Glory to God the Almighty and the giver of life for always making us triumph by Christ Jesus. Alleluiyah! (2Cor.2:14). In all we have passed though so far, He has been faithful to us in every dimension. His goodness and mercy endures forever;  He is not a man that He should lie nor repent of His word. His promises are “ye and in Him, Amen”- 2Cor.1:20. We are confident in His unfailing ability and matchless grace that will always keep us and secure all that pertain to us for His glory; amen!

As always, by His mercy, God has given us the prayer theme for us this month and it is prophetic. He knows the end from the very beginning and He has made provision in advance, for our utmost protection and security; hence the theme of our prayer this month- TOTAL PROTECTION AND SECURITY. It is both a promise and a prophecy! He has continued to assure us that when whether we pass through fire or through terrifying water of life, He will always be there for us, for our utmost protection and security (Isa.43:1-4). Praise the LORD! Alleluiyah!

As you connect to His covenant promises this month, I am delighted to re-assure you that victory is sure for you and your entire household, in Jesus’ name. Come what may, You will continue to dwell in safety and peace of mind, for God is launching you into the arena of total protection and security. You are welcome!

Always remember, as you partake in this prayer, that with Jesus’ Christ, victory is always sure!

Prophetic Prayers

1.    Give thanks to God for His goodness and mercy that endureth forever in your life and entire family. Psalm136.

2.    Appreciate the Almighty God for seeing you through the various challenges you have passed through this year. Isa.43:1-4, Psalm136.

3.    Give glory to our Mighty Father for fighting our battle and defeating every enemy of our soul. Psalm136.

4.    Ask for the forgiveness of any known sin that may hinder your prayers this season. Psalm66:18.

5.    Ask for the enduring mercy of God to speak for you and your entire family this month and this year. Psalm136, Rom.9:15-16.

6.    Heavenly Father, I come under Your shadow and secret place for sure protection and security, NOW, in Jesus’ name. Psalm91:1, Prov.18:10.

7.    Gracious Father, deliver me and my entire family from every snare of the devil this month and this year, in Jesus’ name. Psalm91:3.

8.    I call the Blood of Jesus to cover me and my family for protection against satanic arrows and deadly diseases, in Jesus’ name.  Psalm91:3-6.

9.    I receive legions of angels from heaven NOW, to fight my battles for total victory, in Jesus’ name. Psalm91:10-16, Psalm34:7.

10. I am covered by the power in the Blood of Jesus, evil shall not befall me, evil shall not befall my children, evil shall not befall my marriage & family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Psalm91:9-11.

11. By His matchless grace, I receive sound health, I receive long life, I receive divine protection & security, NOW in Jesus’ name. Psalm91:11-16.

12. In my entire journey in life, by divine help, I have total protection and security over my life, over my business, over my family, over my future, in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm121:5-8, Isa.43:1-4.

13. By the power of His grace, I shall not be drowned in the water of life, I shall not be consumed in the fire of life; I shall always come out victoriously in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Isa.43:1-4.

14. Because “The LORD is my shepherd…” I shall not lack divine protection; I shall not lack total security, over my family, my marriage and business, in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm23:1-6.

15. Because “The LORD is my shepherd…” , goodness and mercy shall follow my entire family, this month, this year and always, in Jesus’ name. Psalm23:5-6.  

16. Heavenly Father, I hand over my life affairs to you; secure my marriage, my family, my finances, my future,…in Jesus’ name. Perfect all that concerns me, in Jesus’ name.   Psa.138:8, Prov.18:10.