Prophetic Prayers For The Month Of June (Starting, Monday 1st June), 2020.


Chrs: The LORD reigneth let the earth tremble...

Text: Psalm97:1-12, 99:1, 24:1-6, Rev.19:6, Phil.2:8-11, Isa.9:6-7.    


Glory be unto God Who always makes us to triumph in Christ over all situations. Alleluiyah! - 2Cor.2:14. We have come all the way, through different challenges of life and spirit but in all, the LORD has given us victory to the glory of His name.

Wherever you are and whatever is your situation, remember that our God Who made the heaven and the earth, is the God of all flesh and nothing is impossible for Him. Jer.32:17, 27. He reigns over all situations to establish His will and purpose. We are confident in His unfailing promises that are in Him 'yea and amen' for His glory. 2Cor.1:20. 'The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof...' Psalm24:1. 'Alleluia! For the LORD God Omnipotent reignth...' Rev.19:6. As you acknowledge this truth and pray with this conviction in your heart this month, the Almighty God, Who reigns over all situations, shall reign over every contrary situation and contrary powers confronting your life; and your challenges shall be translated into testimonies, in Jesus' name. He will turn the table against the enemy of your soul and grant you resounding victory; every spirit of oppression shall bow to your testimonies, in Jesus' name.

As you pray through this month and this year, supernatural victories and unlimited testimonies shall be your lot in Jesus' name. 'The LORD reigneth, let the earth tremble...' Psalm99:1. Our God shall not share His glory with anyone. Every satanic power and manipulations shall tremble in your life, to the glory of God, in Jesus' name.

'The LORD reigneth...' And with Jesus Christ, victory is Sure!

It is a new dawn and a glorious season!


Prayer Points. 

Text: Psalm97:1-12, 99:1, 24:1-6, Rev.19:6, Phil.2:8-11.

1. Give glory to Almighty God for His goodness and mercy that endureth forever.  Psa.136:1-26.
2. Glorify God for saving your life and seeing you through the various challenges our country and indeed, the whole world, has been facing in recent times. He has been our good shepherd all the way. Psa.23:1-6.
3. Count your blessings one by one and sing praises to His holy name. Psa.103:1-5.
4. Ask for God's enduring mercy to continue to speak for you in all situations and throughout this year.  Psa.25:1-7, Rom.9:15-16.
5. Heavenly Father, clothe me and guard me with Thy power, to overcome every challenge of this season in Jesus' name. Psa.93:1.
6. 'The LORD reigneth, let the earth rejoice...' Psa.97:1. Mighty Father, let all my worries be translated into joy, in Jesus' name.
7. Whether the devil likes it or not, I shall rejoice this year in every area of my life, in Jesus' name. 
8. In the name that is above all other names, even the name of Jesus Christ, I shall rejoice over my trials and challenges this year, to the glory of Almighty God. Psa.97:1.
9. Our God is a consuming Fire! Heb.12:29. Every power, demon or messenger of satan, contracted against my life and family, catch fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
10. 'The LORD reigneth...A fire goeth before Him, and burneth up His enemies' Psa.97:1, 3. Every destroyer assigned against me from the pit of hell, be consumed by the fire of God, in Jesus’ name.
11. Every eater of flesh and drinker of blood, assigned against my family from the pit of hell, die by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Psa.97:3, Heb.12:29.
12. 'The LORD reigneth..' Every destiny destroyer reigning over my destiny, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' name. Psa.97:3, Heb.12:29.
13. The LORD reigneth: Every spirit agent on assignment against my family, die by fire in Jesus' name. Heb.12:29.
14. Mighty Father, dethrone every spirit agent reigning against the destinies of my children, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Psa.97:1
15. The LORD reigneth, let the earth tremble (Psa.99:1, Rev.19:6): Every generational prince of satanic kingdom reigning in my lineage, die by fire, in Jesus' name.
16. Because the LORD reigneth, sin shall not have dominion over me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Rom.6:14.
17. ‘The LORD reigneth’. Mighty Father, reign in my life against sicknesses, against satanic attack and bondages, against destroyers of glory, in Jesus’ name.
18. My LORD and my God: reign in my marriage, reign in my business, reign in my finances and in my future, in Jesus' name. Psa.97:1, 99:1.
19. Heavenly Father, reign over every affair of the church for the glory of Your name and expansion of Your kingdom, in Jesus' name. Isa.9:6-7.