Topic: IT IS WELL!
Hymn: It Is Well...
Text: 2Kings4:8-37, Joel3:10, Phil.4:13, Matt.12:37, Numb14:28, Jn6:63, 1:14
Exhortation: Year 2020 is our year of Unending Praise and Grace. Our unconditional, faith based praises unto God opens the door of unending supernatural grace for diverse testimonies. In the light of this covenant, God by His Spirit, gives us timely revelations on what should be our prayer focus for each month. Hence our prayer theme for this month IT IS WELL!
Our main text (2Kings4:8-37) picturized a Shunammite woman who, against all odds and negativity, used her faith and confession to cause a supernatural turnaround in her family. Though her son was literally dead, she continued to hold on to her confession and faith in the unfailing ability of the Almighty God, "calling those things that were not as though they were" Rom.4:16-22. She held unto her confession with absolute faith that there was nothing too hard for the same God Who had miraculously given her the child. Jerem.32:17, 27.
By God's divine providence, as you pray with this confession throughout this month, your prayers shall translate into reality with diverse testimonies following, in Jesus' name.
With Christ on our side, victory is sure!
Shalom !
Prophetic Prayers
1. Thank God for all-round protection & Security upon every family within the church and your entire family. Psa.34:19, Psa.103:1-4, 121:1-8.
2. Appreciate the Almighty God for His salvation, healing and deliverance within the church and your entire family. Psa.103:1-5.
3. Give glory to Almighty God for His safety & deliverance from the pandemic (Corona virus) disease that ravaged the whole world. Psa.103:3-4, 121:3-8, Lam.3:19-24.
4. Sing praises to God for all the testimonies- of seen and unseen victories, within the church and your entire family. Psa103:1-5, 136:1-26. 98:1.
5. Plead for forgiveness and God's mercy over your life and entire family. 2Chron.7:14, Rom. 9:15-16.
6. My Father and My God, help my unbelief, impart upon me the winning faith to overcome every challenge this year, in Jesus' name. Mk9:17-24, Heb.10:35-38.
7. My Father and my God, I stand upon Thy unfailing Word to declare that IT IS WELL WITH ME and shall be well with me throughout this year, in Jesus' name. Matt.12:37, 2Kings4:8-26.
8. Heavenly Father, I stand upon Thy unfailing promises to declare that everything shall work together for my good this month & this year, in Jesus' name. Rom.8:28.
9. This is the season of Christ's resurrection: By the power of resurrection, I command every dying glory in my life to resurrect, in Jesus name. IT IS WELL with me in Jesus' name. 2Kings4:17-37, Phil.3:10, John11:25-44.
10. By the unfailing Blood of Jesus, every covenant of death in my life and family, is cancelled, now in Jesus' name. IT IS WELL with me in Jesus name! 2Kings4:17-37, Col2:14.
11. By the covenant Blood of Jesus Christ, my children will not die, my wife will not die, my husband will not die, my marriage & business will not die... in Jesus' name. IT IS WELL with me in Jesus' name! Psa.118:17, Jn11:25-37, 2Kings4:17-37.
12. IT IS WELL with me. IT IS WELL with my family. IT IS WELL with my marriage. IT IS WELL with my business, my children, my husband, my wife... in Jesus' name. 2Kings4:17-26.
13. By the Power of resurrection: where I have been sick, I confess healings; where I have been bound, I confess deliverance; where there have been battle, I confess supernatural victory- I receive it in Jesus' name. IT IS WELL with me in Jesus' name. Joel 3:10, Phil.4:13, Matt.12:37.
14. Where I have been down, I confess uplifting: Where I have been disappointed, I confess reappointment; where there have been failure, I confess success and breakthrough- I receive it in Jesus name. Joel 3:10, Phil.4:13, Num.14:28.
15. I stand upon the authority of the name of Jesus Christ and declare: Spiritually I am going higher; in my business I am going higher; in my marriage I am going higher... IT IS WELL with me in Jesus' name.
16. Every agent of affliction in the form of coroner virus, raised against our nation, die by fire, in Jesus' name. It is well with our nation in Jesus' name. Heb.12:29, Psa.34:19, Psa.97:1-3.
17. Every gate of hell, opened against the church, and against my life, shall not prevail in Jesus' name. Matt.16:16-19. It is well with the church in Jesus' name.