This year is our year of UNENDING PRAISE & GRACE. Grace is unmerited favour given to us by God through Christ. It is God's Riches At Christ's Expense. The first and foremost fruit of grace is our salvation. We need to pray and guard our salvation with fear and trembling. Philip.2:12-13; then '...all other things shall be added unto us under the umbrella of His grace'. Matt.6:33.
As you pray earnestly this month, the Riches of God's Unending Grace shall be released upon your life and all that concerns you, in Jesus' name.
Prayer Guide
Text: Philemon 1:3, Eph.1:7, 2:7, Titus1:4, 2Jn1:3, Exod.33:12-17, Numb.32:5, 2Thess1:2, Rev.22:1-3.
1. Thank God for the grace that has sustained your life & family hitherto. Psa.103:1-52. Glorify God for always making you triumph in every area of your life through Christ. 2Cor.2:14.
3. Appreciate the Almighty God for fighting your battle and giving you victory in every area of your life.
4. Sing praises to the God of our salvation for all the challenges you surmounted and all the testimonies of the past years. Lam.3:19-25, Psa.103:1-5, 30:1-12.
5. Sing praises to God for all His unfailing promises that are in stock for you this month and this year. 2Cor.1:20.
6. Ask for forgiveness of your sins- sins that may hinder all that God has for you this year. Psa.66:18.
7. Pray also for the forgiveness of the sins of anyone in your family that may hinder your blessings. Hosea 7:1.
8. Heavenly Father, have mercy on me; Let Your mercy answer for me this year in all dimensions, in Jesus' name. Rom.9:15-16.
9. My Father and my God, by Your unfailing grace, I shall not lose my salvation this year, in Jesus' name.
10. Almighty Father, by Your grace, open doors of supernatural testimonies for me this year, in Jesus' name. 1Cor.2:9, 2Cor.1:20.
11. Heavenly Father, I step into the riches of Thy grace in every area of my life this year, in Jesus' name. Eph.1:7, 2:7.
12. FRUITS and RICHES attached to every MONTH of this year, I pluck them by GRACE, in Jesus' name. Rev.22:1-3.
13. Heavenly Father, help me to discover and take over Riches and Fruits of the hidden places, in Jesus' name. Isa.45:3.
14. By the Supernatural Grace of God, my Riches and Treasures that have been hijacked by the kingdom of darkness, be released unto me NOW, in Jesus' name.Isa. 45:3.
15. Gracious God, where I have missed the road to the riches of Thy grace, reposition me and make my crooked way straight, in Jesus' name. Isa.45:2-3.
16. Father, by supernatural grace, let the abundance of the sea- the abundance of my business, the abundance of my work, the abundance of my marriage, the abundance of all I lay my hands upon locate me, in Jesus' name. Isa60:5
17. Supernatural Grace of God, beyond my personal strength, help me to possess all that God has for me this year, in Jesus' name. Exod.33:12-17, Num.32:5.
18. By the grace of the Living God, my prayers, receive speedy answer, in Jesus' name. Exod.33:17.
19. Holy Spirit of God, by the grace that is beyond my capacity, lead me in the journey of this year, into the center of your plan for my life, in Jesus' name. Exod.33:13-17, Jer.29:11-13, 3Jn1:2.
20. Begin to worship and praise the Almighty God for all He will do, for He will surprise you with diverse testimonies, this month and this year. Sing praises to His Majesty from the depth of your heart.