Theme: Greater Strength for Greater Victory
Text: Psa8:1-9, Zech.4:6-9, Mk6:7, 33-51, Acts1:8, Jer.32:17, 20, 26-27, 

1. Thank God for the excellency of His power over the church and over your family.
2. Thank God for silencing every avenger and enemy of your life and destiny.
3. Appreciate Him for His goodness and mercy over your life and family.- Psa8:1-4.
4. Thank Him for putting you in control and dominion over every situation and over every manipulation of the enemy. Psa8:4-8.
5. Ask for forgiveness of every form of sin, besetting sins and generational sins that can hinder the move of God in your life and family- Psa66:18, Hos7:1.
6. O Lord, grant me total victory over every form of sin and its repercussions, in Jesus' name.
7. Ask that the mercy of God will speak for you throughout this prayer and in every area of your life.
8. I receive greater strength for spiritual upliftment, in Jesus' name.
9. Holy Spirit of God, pour on me power for supernatural victory in every area of my life, in Jesus' name- Acts1:8
10. Every mountain standing on my way to greater victory, I command you to disappear, in Jesus' name-  Zech.4:6-9.
11. Every stubborn battle, waged against my life, against my family and against my business, scatter by fire in Jesus' name- Heb.12:29.
12. Every Goliath contracted by the kingdom of darkness, against my life and family, die by fire, in Jesus' name- 1Sam.17:33-58, Heb.12:29.
13. LORD, feed me with spiritual diet of your word, to overcome every manipulation of the enemy, in Jesus' name- Mk6:7, 34-42, Matt.4:1-4.
14. Father, empower me to conquer every giant waiting for me at the point of breakthrough, in Jesus' name.- 1Sam.17:41-51.
15. Greater Strength for divine speed, to reach my goal faster, I receive in Jesus' name.
16. Strength beyond my weakness, strength greater than my power, come upon me by the Spirit of God, in Jesus' name- 1Sam17:41-51.
17. My Father and my God, wisdom for greater victory, greater exploits and greater profits, I receive in Jesus' name! - Eccles.9:16-18, Prov.4:7, 1Sam.17:41-51.
18. By the power of the Holy Ghost, every good thing I have started, I receive the strength to finish it successfully, in Jesus' name- Zech.4:6-10.
19. I prophesy: Victoryland, receive greater strength for supernatural expansion & for greater exploits, in Jesus' name.- Ezek37:1-11.
20. I prophesy: my spiritual life, my business, my marriage and my family, receive greater strength for supernatural victory, in Jesus' name.- Ezek37:1-11