Prayer Schedule for January 1st, 2019.

Theme: All-Round Praise.
Text: Psa136:1-26, 65:1-13, 68:9-20, 1Thess5:18.

1. Praise God for His mercies and grace that endureth forever.
2. Appreciate God for all the testimonies and the victory given to the church throughout last year.
3. Praise God for your life,  your family & work/business. Praise Him for all the victories and testimonies.
4. Thank God for all the souls/new members added to the church of Christ throughout last year. Psa68:11.
5. Thank God for all His benefits and blessings on everything you laid your hands upon last year. Psa65:11, Psa68:9, 19.
6. Thank Him for all the good things God has prepared for the church this year. Psa65:11, Rom8:28.
7. Thank God for all He has prepared for you this year, the victories and the testimonies you will have this year. Psa65:11, Rom8:28.
8. Appreciate God for all the unseen battles He has won and the ones He will win for you this year.
9. Psa65:1 "Praise awaits You, O God..." in my life, my family and everything I shall lay my hands upon,  this year in Jesus name.
10. Thank God for His enduring mercies; Ask for His mercy to speak for you in every area of your life, this year. Psa136:1-26.

PRAYER GUIDE FOR DECEMBER (Sat.1st - Mon.3rd) 2018

Text: Ephes4:1-6, 13, Gen.11:1-6, Psa133:1-3.

**Note that the prayer for the church is far more important than the prayer for your own self; the church is greater than every individual. Therefore, pray it with all sense of commitment, seriousness and faith; then the Lord shall reward you accordingly... Prov.11:25, Psa133:3, 122:6-9, Gal.6:7-10, 1Tm2:1-6.

1. Thank God for upholding the church and the members in the bond of peace and unity- Ephe4:3.

2. Thank God for strengthening the church continually against every gate of hell- Mt16:18.

3. Thank God for all-round victory of the church and the members over every manipulation of the enemy- Rm8:37.

4. Thank God for guiding and leading the church this far by His grace and mercy- Exod.15:9-13.

5. Thank God for His mercy that has endured continually upon His church- Psa136:1-4, 13-16.

6. Appreciate His faithfulness in all areas of your life,  your family and the church- Lam.3:22-24.

7. Ask for forgiveness of sins- sins of omission, sins of commission, and sins that easily beset- Psa19:12-14, Heb12:1, Psa66:18.

8. O LORD, have mercy on the church; let Thy mercy speak for the church in all ramifications, in Jesus' name- Rm9:15-16.

9. The Spirit of oneness that reigned at Pentecost, come and reign in the church for supernatural transformation, in Jesus' name- Acts2:1-7.

10. Spirit of unity as of old, come upon every member of the church and kindle the fire of revival in the church, in Jesus' name- Acts2:36-42.

 11. Divine Spirit of unity, come upon the church for supernatural multiplication, in Jesus' name- Acts2:1-7, 36-42.

12. Divine Spirit of unity, come and announce the glory of God in VictoryLand and proclaim His testimonies in different places, in Jesus' name- Acts2:1-7, 36-42.

13. Heavenly Father, the kind of unity that made the apostles care dearly for the work of God, let such descend and work among us, in Jesus' name- Acts4:31-37.

14. Divine Spirit of unity, come upon every member of the church to mind the same thing, speak the same thing with the same focus and same faith, for the advancement of Thy church, in Jesus' name- Ephe4:1-7.

15. Bond of unity that cannot be broken by any instrumentality of the devil, bond of unity that can make every impossibility possible, even the bond of unity that can not be restrained by any powers, take over the church, in Jesus' name- Gen.11:1-6.

16. Supernatural force of unity binding the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost together, move across VictoryLand, bind the church together for all-round transformation, in Jesus' name- 1Jn5:7, Jn1:1.

17. In the Spirit of the unity of Trinity, I prophesy blessings upon every member of the church, I prophesy peace, divine protection and security upon every member of the church, I prophesy all-round breakthrough, supernatural enlargement & prosperity upon the church in general, in Jesus' name- Psa122:6-9, 133:3.

PRAYER GUIDE FOR November (Thur. 1st - Sat. 3rd 2018)

Text: Jer33:19-22, Psa136:1-26, Isa24:14-15, 1Cor.1:20-24.
Theme: Praise to The Covenant Keeping God.

1. Thank God for answered prayers since the beginning of the year. Thank Him for all the blessings and testimonies in your life and family.
2. Thank the covenant keeping God for His faithfulness upon your life and the church in general.
3. Thank God for shutting the door against the gates of hell in the  church and in your family.
4. Appreciate the covenant keeping God for His goodness in your life,  in your family and in all your endeavors.
5. Thank Him for making all things work together for your good and for your benefit. Rom.8:28, Psa103:1-2.
6. Appreciate the Almighty God for the seen and the unseen miracles He has done in your life and family. Psa34:19, 1Cor. 2:9.
7. Thank God for all the victories in your life and family, for smiting the enemies of your life and delivering you from the captivity of the enemy, Psa136:1-12.
8. Thank the covenant keeping God for leading and guiding you every step of the way, Psa23:1-4.
9. Thank the Almighty God for His enduring mercy over your life and entire family.
10. For His covenant of supernatural protection and security over your life and entire family, sing praises unto God, –Psa121:4-8, 23:3-4.
11. Count your blessings one by one since the beginning of this year; and sing praises unto Him with this understanding. Psa47:1-7.
12. Sing praises to the covenant keeping God for forgiving all your iniquities and healing your diseases. Psa103:1-3.
13. Sing praises unto God for His enduring mercy, redemption and provision. Psa136:23-26, 103:4-5.
14. Blood of Jesus! Blood of Covenant!! destroy every evil covenant in my life and family, in Jesus' name. Colos.2:14-15.
15. My Father! My Father!! Let Thy original covenant be established in my life and family,  Jesus' name.
16. God of covenant, show forth in my case; disappoint and disgrace every bragging of the enemy over my life and family,  in Jesus' name. 1Kgs18:30-40.
17. Continue to appreciate the Covenant keeping God in all areas of your life. 1Thess5:16-18


Theme: Greater Strength for Greater Victory
Text: Psa8:1-9, Zech.4:6-9, Mk6:7, 33-51, Acts1:8, Jer.32:17, 20, 26-27, 

1. Thank God for the excellency of His power over the church and over your family.
2. Thank God for silencing every avenger and enemy of your life and destiny.
3. Appreciate Him for His goodness and mercy over your life and family.- Psa8:1-4.
4. Thank Him for putting you in control and dominion over every situation and over every manipulation of the enemy. Psa8:4-8.
5. Ask for forgiveness of every form of sin, besetting sins and generational sins that can hinder the move of God in your life and family- Psa66:18, Hos7:1.
6. O Lord, grant me total victory over every form of sin and its repercussions, in Jesus' name.
7. Ask that the mercy of God will speak for you throughout this prayer and in every area of your life.
8. I receive greater strength for spiritual upliftment, in Jesus' name.
9. Holy Spirit of God, pour on me power for supernatural victory in every area of my life, in Jesus' name- Acts1:8
10. Every mountain standing on my way to greater victory, I command you to disappear, in Jesus' name-  Zech.4:6-9.
11. Every stubborn battle, waged against my life, against my family and against my business, scatter by fire in Jesus' name- Heb.12:29.
12. Every Goliath contracted by the kingdom of darkness, against my life and family, die by fire, in Jesus' name- 1Sam.17:33-58, Heb.12:29.
13. LORD, feed me with spiritual diet of your word, to overcome every manipulation of the enemy, in Jesus' name- Mk6:7, 34-42, Matt.4:1-4.
14. Father, empower me to conquer every giant waiting for me at the point of breakthrough, in Jesus' name.- 1Sam.17:41-51.
15. Greater Strength for divine speed, to reach my goal faster, I receive in Jesus' name.
16. Strength beyond my weakness, strength greater than my power, come upon me by the Spirit of God, in Jesus' name- 1Sam17:41-51.
17. My Father and my God, wisdom for greater victory, greater exploits and greater profits, I receive in Jesus' name! - Eccles.9:16-18, Prov.4:7, 1Sam.17:41-51.
18. By the power of the Holy Ghost, every good thing I have started, I receive the strength to finish it successfully, in Jesus' name- Zech.4:6-10.
19. I prophesy: Victoryland, receive greater strength for supernatural expansion & for greater exploits, in Jesus' name.- Ezek37:1-11.
20. I prophesy: my spiritual life, my business, my marriage and my family, receive greater strength for supernatural victory, in Jesus' name.- Ezek37:1-11

PRAYER GUIDE FOR SEPTEMBER 2018. (Sat.1st - Mon.3rd)

Text: Phil.3:10-14, Habak3:17-19, Psa146:1-10.
Hymn: I'm Pressing On The Upward Way.

1. Thank God for all His goodness, blessings and testimonies over the entire church, including the ministers.
2. Thank God for all His goodness, blessings and testimonies over your life and entire family.
3. Thank Him specifically for all the victories He has given the church and your family, since the beginning of this year.
4. Plead for forgiveness of sins that may hinder your testimonies this month and this year.
5. Plead with God for forgiveness over every besetting sin that may hinder you from achieving greater heights.
6. Plead for God's mercy; that His mercy will open doors to greater heights of testimonies, in every area of your life.
7. Every plan of the enemy, seeking to truncate my journey or divert my journey from the kingdom of God, scatter by fire, in Jesus' name!- Psa97:3, Psa18:28-36.
8. LORD, lift up Your church above shame and sorrow, in Jesus' name.
9. Every force of affliction, fashioned against the progress of the church, catch fire in Jesus name!  Heb12:29, Psa.34:19, Psa.97:3.
10. Whether the devil likes it or not, affliction shall not rise again in the church; affliction shall not rise again in my life; it shall not rise again in my family, in Jesus' name! Nah.1:7.
11. My Father and my God, I rise above shame and sorrow, above every satanic manipulation (of the enemy), in Jesus' name.
12. Lord, lift me up to the position of authority and superiority over every instrumentality of the devil, in Jesus' name.
13. Satanic forces and traps waiting to destroy my life in the journey to greater heights, fire and thunder of God, destroy them in Jesus name!- Psa18:37-40, Psa124:1-8.
14. I refuse to be stagnant in every area of my life, in Jesus name!
15. Grace for greater heights, with diverse testimonies, I receive in Jesus' name!- 1Cor.15:10, Zech.4:6-9.
16. Every satanic spy, contracted against my life in my journey to greater heights, disappear by fire, in Jesus name!- Psa.18:44-50.
17. By the power of His grace, the church is rising to greater heights in all dimensions, in Jesus name!
18. My Father and My God, glorious heights that none has ever reached in my family, catapult me there by supernatural grace, in Jesus' name- 1Cor.15:10, Zech.4:6-9.
19. By His unfailing grace, I am rising to greater heights, spiritually and all-round, in Jesus name!
20. Grace greater than my strength, help me to overcome every challenge in the journey to greater heights, in Jesus name!- Zech.4:4-6, Psa18:34, 39-40.
21. I prophesy: my SPIRITUAL LIFE, move to greater heights; my MARITAL LIFE, move to greater heights; my FAMILY, move to greater heights; my BUSINESS/WORK/MINISTRY, move to greater heights... in Jesus' name!- Mat.7:7-11, 2Cor.4:13.

PRAYER GUIDE FOR AUGUST, 2018.(Wed.1st - Frid.3rd).

Theme: I WILL DO A NEW THING...Isa.43:19.
Text: Isa.43:10-26, 18-19; Jer.32:27,17; 
Gen.18:13-14; Jn9:1-25; Mk9:17-29.

1. Thank God for His love and mercy showered upon the church. Thank Him for same over your life and entire family- Lam.3:22-25.

2. Appreciate God for all the testimonies in your life, family and the church in general.

3. Thank Him for all He has done, all He is doing and all He is going to do- Isa.43:19-21,

4. Ask for the forgiveness of your sins, His pardon and mercy over your life- Psa.66:18, Prov.28:13.

5. Father, I ask for the forgiveness of my sins, sins of prayerlessness and unthankfulness; forgive me O Lord, for Thy Mercy's sake, in Jesus' name- Isa43:22-25.

6. Father, pour on me the Spirit of faith and sound mind, to be a partaker of new things & new testimonies, in Jesus' name- Isa43:22-26, Gen.18:13-14, Mk9:17-29.

7. My Father! My Father!! Remove the old garment (of sin and shame) from my life, in Jesus' name- Zech.3:1-4, Psa132:18.

8. Every "old garment" that is void of God's glory, which people have identified me with, be consumed by fire from heaven, in Jesus' name!- Heb.12:29.

9. Heavenly Father, clothe me with a new garment- garment of favour, of power, of fruitfulness and of glory, in Jesus' name.- Zech.3:3-5, Matt.6:28-30.

10. Father, every old story in my life and family, that does not glorify God, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus Christ- Col.2:14-15, 2Cor.5:17.

11. Every thought of my past life, that makes me to mourn and prevent s me from moving forward, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus Christ- Col.2:14.

12. Father, rewrite the story of my life for Your gloryl and honour, in Jesus' name.- 2Cor.5:17, Isa43:18-21, Jn9:1-25.

13. Heavenly Father, testimonies that will be difficult for people to believe, let it happen in my life and family this year, in Jesus' name! - 1Cor.2:9, Isa43:19, Jn9:1-25.

14. Holy Spirit of God, all that I need to do, the steps that I need to take, to launch into the realm of new testimonies this year, teach me and guide me through, in Jesus' name.- Isa43:21-26.

15. Father, make a way for me in the wilderness of life and do a new thing that will announce Your glory in my life, in Jesus' name- Isa43:19.

16. Whether the devil likes it or not, my life will announce God's glory and I will have new testimonies this year, in Jesus' name -Isa43:19.

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Date: 1st May, 2018 (Workers Day).
Exhortation: Leading By Example
Text: Jude: 1:3, Phil.2:1-5, 3:16, Jn13:4-17.

To lead the people of God effectively, we have to model our leadership after Christ's pattern. Our TALKING does not carry much weight until we show the followers (by example) our DOING. Jesus always taught His disciples, leadership by example - Jn13:4-7, 12-17. Here, Jesus gave them an example to follow.

Jesus used the feet washing exercise as a  double-edged concept:
One was an initiation for them to be an authority carrier as well as a cleansing exercise that initiated them into the realm of His holiness and power; it was to impact their ministry with His inner potential. Only Judas, who was to betray Him, was not given this authority- Jn13:4-12. The other was to teach His disciples exemplary leadership- Jn13:12-17; here again, only Judas, who had made up His mind to betray Him, was exempted -Jn13:18-26.

As a pastor or departmental leader, if you want your workers, followers/members to be punctual in church meetings, if you want them to be diligent, then you as the pastor/leader must show them what these virtues mean, by example.

If you want your followers/members to relate with you or talk about you with utmost respect, not only in your presence, but also in your absence, then you have to show them by example, in your relationship with your own leader or overseer. The way you relate with your own direct leader, the way you talk or do things, whether he is present or not, sends signals to your followers, members or workers, about how they should relate with you. Virtues beget virtues; if they don't see you lay a good example in this area, then don't expect such from them. Some show of disrespect (not all) to you as a leader, is due to what they see you (as a pastor) do to your own leader or overseer. This would eventually jeopardize our corporate leadership in the ministry as a whole. Hear the words of Jesus Himself:

 "Therefore all things  whatsoever ye would that men should do  to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the  law and the prophets" - Matt.7:12, ".. Every kingdom divided against itself  is brought to desolation; and every city or  house divided against itself shall not stand" -Matt12:25.

Our collective leadership in the church/ministry in general, is occasioned and made effective by all ministers when we mind the same thing, talk/say the same thing (may be in different ways) and do the same thing per time. This tells the entire fellowship how united and strong our collective leadership is. Matt12:25, 1Cor.1:10, Phil.3:16, 2:1-5.

Our Values. Our Doctrine.

We must not devalue the church in any way, for whatever reason. We must say the same thing in line with the scriptures, irrespective of our personal interest. Don't send wrong signals the congregation in whatever you say or do; it may incite bad reaction from them.
Be honest in your words and actions- Rom12:16-17. Do not try to play smart; the congregation and members see everything. Some pretend they don't see it while others come out boldly to challenge such actions!

We should be sure of what we tell our followers; whatever you are not sure of, leave a safe margin for learning, research and findings. Don't conclude on a matter until you have found out what the Bible has to say about it or you have prayed through to really know the mind of God on it. There is a difference between church doctrine and the Bible although, ideally, the former should be the offspring of the latter.

For instance, issues of dressing, wearing of jewelry, and such like, should be treated more as matters of the scriptures (and with convincing references) rather than matters of doctrines. Read, compare and contrast the following references with most church doctrines today: 1Pet.3:3-5, Gen.24:50-53, 1Tim.2:1,9 [Dressing for prayer meetings/fellowships should not be like party dressing. And for women, emphasis should be more on inner beauty of godliness and sobriety than outward adorning with gold or costly attire]. Rom.8:14, Jn14:26.

When it affects the issue of dressing or other areas of Christian living, MODESTY is the key word. Women who like to show off gorgeousness in dressing and spend too much of their resources on it, should rather do more of good works and put on godliness as a mark of inner beauty. One of the common references commonly quoted here is 1Pet3:3-5,

1"Likewise, ye wives,  be in subjection to  your own husbands; that, if any obey not  the word, they also may without the word  be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste  conversation coupled with fear.  3 Whose  adorning let it not be that outward  adorning of plaiting the hair, and of  wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4 But  let it be the hidden man of the heart,  in that which is not corruptible, even the  ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which  is in the sight of God of great price. 5 For  after this manner in the old time the holy  women also, who trusted in God, adorned  themselves, being in subjection unto their  own husbands".

Our concern here is why "wearing of gold" is singled out and considered unchristian or sinful whereas the other items mentioned in the same context "plating the hair...putting on of apprel" are upheld as normal. It is therefore pertinent to understand that the Bible is more concerned about the moral implication of what we wear as against mere religious sentiments. After all, those who do not wear gold/earrings/necklace do put on gold wristwatches, plait their hair with loads of attachment, have gold attachments on their shoes, bags and cloths - this is either hypocrisy or ignorance!

However, it is our responsibility to teach modesty and train our members how to relate with the Holy Spirit on any aspect of their lives- Spiritual, marital, Business, and what have you?

Leadership Quotes

,a. "You don't lead people by what you say to them; you lead them by what they see you do..." - Israelmore Ayivor.

b. "Leadership is an art expressed by the demonstration of characters worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration. It is neither a title nor a position" - Israel more A.

c. "Practise what you preach; it is the best way to teach (and make people learn)" - Pastor Alonge M.

d. "The leaders' job is to show the way. The bottom line is that you can't tell anything about the condition of the way if you've not travelled on it yourself" - Israelmore A.

e. "...Anyone who has no example to show may not lead better" -Israelmore A.

f. "Leadership crisis erupt when people who have not learnt how to obey simple instructions are given the privilege to give commands- Leaders are experienced servants" - Israelmore A.

g. What I read [or what I'm told] I (may) forget; but what I see I can never forget" -Anonymous.

h. "It is easier for followers to read their leaders more than they read leadership books(2Cor.3:2)" - Pastor Alonge Moses.

PRAYER GUIDE FOR JULY: Sunday 1st - Tuesday 3rd, 2018.

Text: Lev.6:9-13, Psalm85:1-13, 1Kings18:21-41, Rom.8:11, 26.

1. Thank God for His grace and mercy over the church and the leadership in general
2. Thank God for His grace and mercy upon your life and family- Psa85:1-3.
3. Thank God for forgiving your sins and iniquity, for His redemption- Psa103:1-4
4. Thank God for all-round blessings upon your life and entire family- Psa103:1-5.
5. O LORD, I ask for the forgiveness of my sins; wipe away my sins by Thy precious blood, in Jesus' name.- Psa85:1-4, Col.1:13-14.
6. Every generational sin, from my father's and my mother's lineage, standing against my life, Father have mercy on me and wipe them off by Your blood, in Jesus' name.- Psa85:1-5.
7. Fire of revival from the presence of the LORD, come upon my life, in Jesus' name- Psa85:6-7.
8. Father, I yield my life as a living sacrifice upon Thy altar of grace, remold and remake me after Thy will, in Jesus' name- Lev.6:9, Rom12:1-2.
9. My Father and my God, kindle Your fire of revival upon my spirit, soul and body, in Jesus' name- Lev.6:12-13.
10. My altar of Spiritual sacrifice, connect with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus' name- Lev.6:12-13.
11. Fire of revival from the LORD, consume everything that is against my peace, my marriage, my family and my business, in Jesus' name- Psa85:6-8.
12. Father, by the fire of revival, I disconnect myself from every power that wants to pull me back into the world, in Jesus' name- Psa85:6-8, Heb.10:38-39.
13. Father, by the fire of revival, let Thy glory manifest in my life and entire family, in Jesus' name- Psa85:9-1, Rom.8:11,19,26, Isa.60:1-3.
14. Fire of revival from the LORD, come upon my life for supernatural increase, in Jesus' name- Psa85:10-13.
15. Consuming fire from the LORD, destroy every evil altar raised against my life, my marriage and my family, in Jesus' name- Heb.12:29.
16. Fire of revival from the LORD, destroy every satanic manipulation in my life and entire family, in Jesus' name.
17. Revival fire from the LORD, disgrace and disappoint every "altar of Baal" from my father's lineage and my mother's lineage, in Jesus' name- 1Kings18:21-29.
18. Father, wherever my altar of revival has been disorganized, I receive the grace to repair and re-organize it, in Jesus' name- 1Kings18:30-38.
19. Father, let Your revival fire in my life and entire family attract many to Christ, in Jesus' name.- 1Kings18:36-39.
20. Every satanic agent from the pit of hell, contending with the fire of God in my life and family, die by fire in Jesus' name- 1Kings18:39-40, Psa97:3.
21. My Father and my God, dangerous sleep, that can expose me to enemies' attack, I reject such sleep, in Jesus' name- Mat.13:25.
22. Fire of revival, continue to burn with greater strength, upon the altar in all branches of the church, and in the life of every member, in Jesus' name!- 1Kgs18:36-39, Psa.84:1-4.

Prayer Schedule for June (Frid.1st - Sund.3rd, 2018)

(Itusile Kuro Lowo Ide/Ogun Ajogbe/Irandiran)

 Text: Jer.24:1-5*, 6-10; 29:10, Mal.3:14-18, Rom.9:15-16, Exod.33:16-19.

1.    Thank God for His grace and power over the church.
2.    Thank God for all the great things He has showered upon the church, the victories, the miracles and the testimonies.
3.    Appreciate God for His goodness and mercy over your life, your work/business and entire family- Psa.34:1-3.
4.    Father, every act of generational sin that put me in generational bondage, please forgive me and let Your mercy reign over them, in Jesus’ name- Psa.51:1-5, Ezra5:12; 9:7.
5.    Blood of Jesus, wash me clean from every mark of generational sin attacking my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name- Col.2:14-15, Psa.51:1-19,
6.    Oh LORD, deliver me from corporate and generational bondage, in Jesus’ name. Jer. 24:5, Gen.11:30, 21:1-8, 25:19-21, 29:31, 30:1.   
7.    Mighty Father, You delivered the children of Israel from corporate bondage and generational bondage, deliver my entire family from such bondages, in Jesus’ name- Exod.3:6-10, 12:40-41, 51; 14:21-31,
8.    O LORD, command deliverance over my marriage, my children, my business and every member of my family, in Jesus’ name. Psa44:3-8.
9.    Mighty Father, every instrumentality of the devil in my family, seeking to bring back generational bondage into my life, unseat them by fire and disappoint them in Jesus’ name- Jer.24:8-10, Heb12:29.
10.  LORD, purge me from every form of spiritual dirtiness; make me a fruitful vine in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name.  Jer.24:5-7, Jn15:4-8.
11.   Father, set Your eyes upon me for good, upon my family and all that pertains to me, Jesus’ name.- Jer.24:5-7.
12.  A heart to know God and serve Him in Spirit and in truth, I receive NOW in Jesus’ name- Jer.24:7, Jn4:24.
13.  Father, wherever I have been despised and broken, rebuild me; where I have been pulled and plucked out, establish me, in Jesus’ name- Jer.24:6.
14.  Every corporate curse or bondage that is peculiar to my lineage, terminate by fire, from my life, my family and destiny, in Jesus’ name- Jer.24:4-7, Heb.12:29.
15.  Every effect/deposit of generational curse in my life and family, blood of Jesus erase it, in Jesus’ name- Prov.26:2, Col.2:14-15, Gal.3:13.
16.  My Father and my God, wherever I (or my children) have been offered as  lawful captives, set us free and destroy such covenants by the unfailing blood of Christ, in Jesus’ name- Isa.49:24-26, Col.2:14-15.
17.  Almighty Father, every stubborn agent of darkness, spiritual Pharaoh,  that says I will not go far, die by fire, in Jesus’ name- Exod.14:14-31.
18. Every evil covenant against my life and destiny, die by fire, in Jesus’ name- Heb.12:29.
19.  I renounce every corporate and generational bondage in my life and entire family, in Jesus’ name- Rm10:10-13, Jn8:32, 36, Numb.14:28. 
20.  Thank You LORD for delivering my life, my destiny, my family, my marriage, my business ...from corporate and generational bondage. Glory to Your Holy name! Alleluia!    

PRAYER GUIDE FOR MAY(Tue.1st - Thur.3rd) 2018.

Text: Job8:5-7, Zech.4:6-10, 1Sam.2:7-8, Isa.60:22, Prov.28:13, Psa66:18.

1. Thank God for His grace & mercy upon the church. Thank Him for His grace & anointing upon the church.

2. Thank God for His divine provision, protection & care, for the church and your family.

3. Appreciate God for His faithfulness in all areas over your life & entire family.

4. My Father and my God, forgive me every form of sin I have committed, known & unknown, in Jesus' name.

5. My Father & my God, have mercy upon me and purge me of every generational sin and sins of limitation, in Jesus name.

6. Every mountain of limitation, preventing me from moving to maximum, GIVE WAY, in Jesus' name- Zech.4:6-7.

7. Mountains of limitation against progress, in every area of my life, DISAPPEAR , in Jesus' name! - Zech.4:6-7.

8. By the Spirit of the living God, I am moving from minimum to maximum, in every area of my life, in Jesus' name!- Zech.4:6-7, Job8:7

9. I refuse to remain beneath, Holy Ghost Fire, catapult me to the maximum, in Jesus' name- Deut.28:13, Zech.4:6.

10. Holy Spirit of God, all that I need to rise from minimum to maximum, teach me; I receive the inspiration NOW in Jesus' name- Rom.8:14-16, 27; Jn14:26,  Zech.4:6, Deut.28:13, Isa.1:19.

11. My little beginning, I prophesy, increase in every area of my life to maximum NOW in Jesus name.- Job8:7, Isa.60:22, Lk12:32.

12. Every height and every breakthrough nobody has ever attained in my family lineage, Holy Ghost Fire, catapult me there, in Jesus' name.- Zech.4:6-7, 1Sam.2:7-8.

13. Oh treasures hid in the sand! Oh abundance of the sea!! Blessings of the heavens!!! Hear the word of the LORD: Gather yourselves together and lift me from minimum to maximum,  in Jesus' name- Isa.60:5-7.

14. Limitations of darkness, set against my life and family, preventing me from attaining my maximum, SCATTER by fire, in Jesus' name! Zech4:6-9.

15. Every satanic verdict and evil handwritings of limitation, set over my life and family, I cancel you with the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus' name. Col.2:14-15, Zech.4:7-9.

16. Powers of satanic delay, satanic holdups and embargo over my life, family and business, DIE BY FIRE, in Jesus name. Psa.97:3; Zech4:6-9.

17. Father, let every despiser of my little beginning come back to celebrate with me, in Jesus' name! - Zech.4:6, 10; Job8:7.

18. Every abandoned achievement in my life, I receive the grace to finish it, in Jesus name! - Zech.4:8-10.

PALM SUNDAY MESSAGE: From the Office of the General Superintendent

Date: Sunday 25-03-2018
Topic: Jesus Hath Need of You
Text: Lk19:29-40.
Just as Jesus could have graciously passed through the streets of Jerusalem by using another ass/colt, He could have chosen another instead of you to show forth His glory today and always. All humans are foundational stones for Him to build the future of His Creation upon; but we that have been saved are living/lively stones and a peculiar people(1Pet.2:5-9) -The fact that He delights in you to proclaim His glory means you should not fail Him; for if we do, He will raise up "dead stones" by the power of His resurrection, as an alternative- Lk19:31, 34, 40. Afterall, trees in the forest, birds in the air, fishes in the sea, animals, and even more, angels are praising Him every second, minute, hour, day, month and year- Psa19:1-10, Rev.4:9-10  Indeed, the Lord hath need of us; but how can we all answer this call?

We can answer the call in two ways:
1. By living a life that glorifies Him- Lk19:29-34, Rm12:1-, 1Pet2:5-9, Isa.60:3.
When we willingly answer His call for salvation, repent of our sins and forsake them, He will deliver/"untie" us like the ass with its colt. He will deliver us from the power of sin & satan; after this we will begin to live a life that is glorifying unto God. Note that if the ass/colt refuses to be untied, it would remain under bondage & Christ would not decorate its life. Same goes for you today- Isa.60:1-3. If you allow Him today, the Lord will decorate your life and pass through you to show forth His glory to unbelievers- Lk19:33-38.

2. By proclaiming this same glory to sinners, so they can come to Christ. It all starts with our lives; when unbelievers see our change of life & our testimonies, they would want to associate with our God (for if a man is in Christ, he is a new creature...2Cor.5:17)-  Lk19:1-6, 9-10, Isa.60:1-3, Mt28:18-20. We are to testify of His power, the change and miracles we have both witnessed and received. Hence Jesus proclaimed: "...All power is given unto  me in heaven and in earth. Go ye  therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing  them in the name of the Father, and of the  Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching  them to observe all things whatsoever I  have commanded you: and, lo, I am with  you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.- Mat.28:18-20.

We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The saltiness, the sweetness in Christ and the light that darkness can never comprehend. But we must liven up the "dead stones" with our saltness and allow our light to so shine and compel unbelievers (the gentiles) to come to Christ through us.- Mat.5:13-16, Isa.601-3.

Would you not allow Christ to ride on you today for His glory? - Surely, he hath need of you!

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PRAYER AND FASTING GUIDE FOR APRIL 2018: Sunday 1st - Tuesday 3rd of April, 2018.

Theme: Dry Bones Shall Live Again !
Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14,  Philip.3:10-14,  Matt.27:50-54, 28:1-6,  Rom.8:11.

1. Thank God for disallowing satanic manipulation in the church, your life and family.

2. Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of resurrection in your family and the church in general.

3. Thank God for divine guidance and protection over your life and family.

4. Thank God for disallowing Satan from taking glory over my life and family.

5. Thank God for answered prayers, the victories, the miracles and the testimonies, in your family and the church in general- 2Cor.2:14.

6. Father, forgive my sins and pardon me, cleanse me by the power of Your blood, in Jesus' name.

7. Blood of Jesus, cleanse me from every mark of generational sin, sins of my father's lineage and my mother's lineage, in Jesus' name-  Hosea7:1, Exod.20:5-6, Rev.12:10-11. (Pray this prayer fervently).

8. My Father and my God, every generational sin calling for vengeance over life, blood of Jesus, remove it out of the way, in Jesus' name- Hos.7:1, Gal.6:17.

9. Mercy that flows in the blood of Jesus Christ, speak for me in every area of my life, in Jesus name.- Rom9:15-17.

10. Mighty hands of God, come upon me and locate me for a miracle, in Jesus' name- Ezek37:1, Isa.59:1.

11. My Father and my God, I confess that with You all things are possible and that every dry/dead bone in my life shall live in Jesus' name- Ezek37:2-7, Lk1:35-37.

12. By the power of resurrection, I prophesy, every good thing that is dead in my life, arise and live, in Jesus' name- Ezek. 37:2-7, Phil.3:10-14.

13. By the power of resurrection, I prophesy, every good thing that is dead in my marriage, be quickened and live, in Jesus' name- Ezek. 37:2-7, Phil.3:10-14.

14. I prophesy, by the power of resurrection, every dry bone and every deadness in my body, receive life, in Jesus' name- Ezek.37:4-8, Rom.8:11.

15. I prophesy, by the power of resurrection, where I have been sick I am healed; where I have been weak, I am strong, in Jesus' name- Ezek.37:4-8, Rom.8:11.

16. I prophesy: Breath of God, come upon my life, come upon my marriage, come upon my family, ...come upon my business, in the mighty name of  Jesus Christ- Ezek.37:8-12.

17. Father, let there be a "shaking" in the spirit realm for Supernatural rearrangement in my life, in Jesus' name- Ezek.37:7.

18. I prophesy: every lost bone in my life, every lost blessing, every lost peace, every lost opportunity, every lost benefactor... locate me in Jesus' name! - Ezek.37:7.

19. My buried glory, my buried blessings, my buried business, my buried peace,...Come out from your graves, in Jesus' name ! - Ezek.37:11-14, Mat.27:50-54, 28:1-6.

20. Father, cause me to experience Your resurrection power in every area of my life, in Jesus' name- Phil.3:10,  Ezek.11-14.

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PRAYER GUIDE FOR MARCH 2018 (Thur.1st- Sat.3rd).

Theme: My Glory Must Shine!
Text: Isa60:1-22, Mal.4:2, Psa19:1-14, 1Cor.15:41, Rom8:18-19, Mat2:1-2, 5:14-16.

1. Heavenly Father, thank You for the excellency of Your grace and power in every area of the Church. Thank You for all the testimonies. Be thou exalted in Jesus' name- Psa8:1-9.
2. Thank You Lord, for the excellency of Your grace and power in my life and entire family. Thank You for my work/business, the successes and testimonies in my life. Be thou exalted in Jesus' name- Psa8:1-9.
3. My Father and my God, I thank you for the glory and honour with which You have crowned me ever before I was born.  To You alone be all the glory, in Jesus' name- Psa8:4-5, Jer.1:5.
4. Thank You Lord for the grace for glorious manifestation this year. It is my portion in Jesus' name- Isa60:1, Rom8:18-19, Mat5:14-16.
5. Lord, every sin that wants to hinder my glory this year, forgive me and have mercy on me, in Jesus' name- Prov.28:13, Psa66:18.
6. My Father and my God, every appearance/remembrance of generational sins at the point of breakthrough, let the precious blood of Jesus Christ wipe them off, in Jesus' name- Hosea7:1, Col.2:14.
7. My Father and my God, every glory that has departed my life as a result of sin, let it be restored by Your mercy, in Jesus' name- Rom9:15-16, Joel2:25-27.
8. Father, You turned the reproach of Jabez into glory, and the reproach of Obed Edom into glory; turn every reproach in my life to glory, in Jesus' name- 1Chron.4:9, 2Sam.6:10-12, 1Chron.13:9-14.
9. Father, let Your sun of righteousness shine upon me and transform my weaknesses into  strength, my darkness into light, in Jesus' name- Isa60:1-3, Mat.5:14-16, Mal.4:2.
10. Spirit of glorious restoration, Spirit of glorious manifestation, come upon me, NOW in Jesus' name- Joel2:25-29.
11. Every hidden glory, in my life and family, begin to manifest, in Jesus' name- Rom8:18-19, Isa60: 1-3.
12. My Father and my God, deliver me from eaters of glory and wasters of destiny, in Jesus' mighty name- Joel 1:4, 2:25.
13. Father, miracles and testimonies that will make my life a shining light and attract unbelievers to Christ, I receive in Jesus' name- Mat5:14-16, Isa60:1-3.
14. Every spiritual/satanic rag, covering and blocking my glory, be consumed by fire, in Jesus' name- Jer5:14, Heb12:29.
15. Every filthy garment, destroying my glory, catch fire in Jesus' name; I receive a garment of glory and honour, in Jesus' name! Zech.3:3-5.
16. My glorious destiny, shine forth by fire, in Jesus' name- Isa60:1-2.
17. Abundance of the heavens and abundance of the earth, locate me and my family for God's glory, in Jesus' mighty name- Isa60:4-9.
18. My glory, my destiny, my business/work and everything that pertain to my life, speak forth the glory of God; shine forth, in Jesus' name!  Psa.19:1-6, Mat.5:14-16.
19. Father, You are the Author of all glories; all that I lay my hands upon this year must manifest Your glory, in Jesus' name. 1Cor.15:41, Mat.2:1-2.
20. My Father and my God, anything that is contrary to Your glory, I reject it in my life, I reject it in my family, I reject it in my marriage, in my business, in my future... in Jesus' mighty name! - Phil.4:7-8, Isa.42:8.

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PRAYER GUIDE FOR FEBRUARY 2018 (Thur.1st - Sat.3rd).


Text: Exod.14: 15-31, Psalm75:6-7, 1Sam.2:7-8, Psalm23:5-6,

1. Appreciate God for His goodness and mercy over the church, your life and your family.
2. Thank God for all the answered prayers, the victories, the blessings in the church.
3. Thank God for the diverse testimonies in the church and His glorious promises to us this year.
4. Lord, I plead for forgiveness of my sins of omission and commission, in Jesus' name- Psalm66:18, Hosea7:1.
5.  Heavenly Father, have mercy on me and let my prayers receive speedy answers in Jesus' name- Rom9:15-16.
6.  Every mountain that wants to stop me from moving forward, become plain and give way, in Jesus' name-  Zech.4:6-7.
7.   Every Jericho wall placed on my way of progress, fall down flat, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ- Josh6:8-20.
8. Grace and strength to move forward, for all-round progress, I receive by the Holy Ghost, in Jesus' name- Zech.4:6-7, Isaiah 40:29-31.
9. Every good thing that I have started, I receive the strength and grace to finish it successfully in Jesus' name- Zech.4:9.
10. LORD, in our smallness and little beginning as a church, let Thy glory shine forth for our greatness, in Jesus' name- Zech 4:10, Job8:7, Luke 12:32.
11. LORD, make every crooked way straight for me, pave way for me to move forward in every area of my life, in Jesus' name- Isaiah 42:16.
12. Father, " Shew me thy  ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead  me in thy truth, and teach me... " in Jesus' name.- Psalm25:4-5.
13. Every yoke that wants to prevent me from moving forward, be broken into pieces, in Jesus' name- Isaiah10:27.
14. Every red sea, positioned on my success journey, dry by fire, in Jesus' name! - Exod.14:16-22, Psalm97:3, Heb.12:29.
15. Every Pharaoh, every strong man, that wants to hinder my journey to breakthrough, die by fire, in Jesus' name! - Exod.14:23-31.
16. Pillar and cloud of fire, surround me and my entire household in our journey to breakthrough, in Jesus' name- Exod.14:19-24.
17. Almighty Father, the I AM that I AM, every enemy pursuing me at the point of breakthrough, let their chariots breakdown and catch fire, in Jesus' mighty name! - Exod.14:24-30.
18. This month, I am moving forward in Jesus' name! My Spiritual Life is moving forward in Jesus' name!! My family is moving forward in Jesus' name!!! My business/work is moving forward in Jesus' name!!!! - PSA.23:4-6, 121:7-8.

**Note: Repeat 6 to 18, putting the church in place of yourself.